Food Supplements For Dogs?

Food supplements for dogs?

Food supplements have become fashionable in recent years, especially those that have a natural composition. This market has also reached dogs. Today there are hundreds of accessories for dogs that can make your furry have a longer and fuller life.

It is true that a quality feed will provide your pet with all the nutrients it needs. But it is also true that just like humans, not all dogs are the same and not all their needs are the same. That is why sometimes there are specific needs for something in particular or a lack of a nutrient due to a pathology.

Well, that’s what food supplements for dogs have been created for. These supply your needs and deficiencies, greatly improving your health.

Types of food supplements for dogs

dog award

There are many existing food supplements and each one is focused on improving a different part of the animal’s body or organism. For example, these are some:

Joint supplements

These will be supplements especially for large breed dogs. Because of their weight and the weakness of their long legs, they can suffer further joint problems. Also for those dogs of advanced age or the obese while they are in the process of losing weight.

Those who have hip or elbow dysplasia should also take these types of supplements.

Typically, methyl sulfonyl methane, glucosamine, and chondroitin sulfate are used to improve joints.

Hair supplements

If the hair has lost shine or strength, or in the shedding season, when we are looking forward to seeing the house clean of hair. And also for those show dogs these food supplements will be very useful.

To improve the health of your pet’s hair, it is mainly used:

  • Mineral vitamin supplements. These compounds of natural origin will improve the health of your dog’s coat as long as they contain the indicated vitamins. These should be vitamin B and biatin complex and minerals such as zinc.
  • Omega 3 and 6. These are the most common and the ones that seem to be giving the best and fastest results. Although you can choose to give your dog oily fish, as it is a source of Omega. The best thing is that you buy oils or capsules that contain Omega. For example, cod or salmon oil are conducive to achieving this purpose. Olive and sunflower oil are also useful, but they contain lesser amounts of Omega3. Remember that these types of products go stale soon, so it is better to buy in small quantities.
  • Omega6, although not as important as Omega3, will improve not only the health of your dog’s coat, but also that of his skin. This is found in borage oil. Also in chicken fat and cereals contained in commercial feed. These tend to have a higher concentration of Omega6 than Omega3, so it is rare that we have to supply them to the animal. The exclusive case will be if the ratio contained in the feed is excessively low, such as 5-1 in favor of Omega3.

Supplements for pigmentation

prize for dogs

This problem is not of great importance, but there are dogs like those that work and live in the snow that due to the cold lose pigment in the area of ​​the nose. This will be a problem, especially in show dogs. The judges, although they do not rate it as a foul, do not like to see white noses.

To improve pigmentation there are natural foods such as carrot, pumpkin or spinach. Although if they are not to your dog’s liking, you can always find them in capsules.

Supplements for the immune system

These food supplements will be mainly antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E and minerals such as selenium. These will prevent diseases like cancer, for example. They will be very important in dogs with stress or depression, as well as those suffering from anxiety or any other nervous pathology.

Also in those who already have cancer, food supplements will be of great help to improve and strengthen their immune system while they go through the painful disease.

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