Do You Know What Mushing Is?

This word of French origin refers to sports with dogs that take place in the snow; yes, for these modalities specific care, training and feeding are required
Do you know what mush is?

Sometimes we hear words related to our dogs that sound unfamiliar to us. This is the case of mushing , a word that we may have heard but do not know what it refers to. Would you like to know what  mushing is?

What is  mushing

Well, we’re not going to beat around the bush. The  mushing is a sport  recognized today, but for years has been considered only a mode of transportation. Its name comes from a French word used to start the march. It could be translated something like ‘let’s go’.

It is a sport that is practiced mainly in countries with low temperatures, such as the Nordic countries and North America. This happens because it is practiced on snow, although new modalities have been included on land and are practiced in countries like Spain.

Great dane in the snow

Mushing modalities 

There are various modalities that can be practiced in this sport. Those recognized as an official sport are those practiced on snow, although the new modalities on land are entering the world of competition strongly. We will talk to you about these later. Those made in snow are the following:

  • Sled. In this, several dogs are used that pull a sled in which two participants go. There are races and championships of various sleds. There is the standard sled and then others that are known as Cart or Pulka , which are different sleds, but the sport and the competition is the same.
  • Tricycle. It is a three-wheeled vehicle suitable for snowy ground that is pulled by four dogs.
  • Skijöring.  In this sport the  musher  uses his own means of transport such as skis or a scooter and allows himself to be dragged by a dog. A sport without a doubt fun even without the need to compete.
  • Canicross. This is a better known modality, as it is a sport that is also practiced on land. However, it is a form of  mushing that is  highly recognized and valued by its users. It consists of running with the dog attached to us and to a harness. This allows the animal to pull on you when forces begin to fail you. He will give you the touch of energy you need.

Would you like to be a  musher?

Now that you know what  mushing is , maybe you would like to practice it . Musher  is the name given to anyone who practices any or all of the modalities of this sport. However, there are a number of requirements that you must have in order to do so.

Take care of the dogs

The dogs that are used in m ushing  are dogs used to being in low temperatures and that require different care than dogs used as pets. Therefore, before being a  musher,  you must be very informed of what basic care these animals need and, of course, provide it to them.

Dog in snow

Your dogs must be trained

Discipline is needed for any sport; also for sports performed with animals. You need discipline and they need it. They must be well socialized animals that are used to following orders. To do this, you must have trained them beforehand.

In addition, since they are puppies, you should train them to drag weight, because that will be the end of this sport. Of course, the puppies must be at least six to twelve months old before starting training.


Due to the low temperatures and the energy that they will spend in this sport, the animal will have to have a diet according to this exercise. This is a fundamental step, not only if you want to present yourself to a championship, but also –and more importantly– to preserve the good health of the animals.

Did you like knowing what mushing is and how you can practice it? Then cheer up! Take your dogs and look for a good snow slope in which to practice it.

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