A Sick Man And His Dog Heal Each Other

A sick man and his dog heal each other

Can love between humans and pets be healing? At least that is how the story we bring you seems to show, in which a sick man and his dog heal each other.

The story of James and Bubba

The incident occurred in the city of Corbin, located in the state of Kentucky (USA). An elderly man, who had been hospitalized some time ago, despite medical attention showed no improvement. As he lived alone, his dog – also elderly – had been taken in by a local pet shelter.

James Wathen, 73, almost without strength, told the professionals who cared for him that his last wish was to see his dog again, a Chihuahua named Bubba who had lost an eye.

The man was very weak. He ate sparsely and could hardly speak. Separation from her pet undoubtedly made her health even worse.

The reunion between a hospitalized elderly man and his dog allowed both man and animal to improve their health.

In search of the reunion between the old man and his dog

Faced with Wathen’s situation, Baptist Health Corbin employees decided to violate the hospital’s rules – which does not allow animals to enter – and went in search of Bubba, so that the patient could meet him again.

Finally, they managed to find out the whereabouts of the little animal. Bubba was also very sad since he had been separated from his master and did not want to eat. For this reason, and given his advanced age, his condition was also delicate.

But everything changed when James and Bubba met again.

Learn how a sick person and his dog heal each other

The reunion of the two friends was exciting and was recorded in a video that went viral on the internet. Here we leave it:

The Chihuahua had arrived at the hospital wrapped in a blanket and trembling, not knowing what fate would bring. But a few meters from reaching his owner’s room, he raised his little head and his only eye began to shine.

When he finally saw James, the dog jumped onto his bed and began licking his face. The old man cried with emotion and immediately began to cheer up.

The encounter was healing for both the man and the dog. James ate again and was able to sit up in bed and speak louder. Bubba also regained interest in food and began to let go of sadness.

Pets heal us

The positive of this experience made the hospital authorities allow the continuity of the meetings between Wathen and his dog.

And not only that: they are planning to change the rules of the institution so that, in similar cases, the sick can receive visits from their pets.

Having pets has been shown to make people healthier and happier. For this reason, the use of these animals in assisted therapies is increasingly frequent.

Benefits of living with pets

Autor: Stuart Richards
Author: Stuart Richards

According to statistics, owners of pets go to the doctor 15% less than those who do not have them.

In addition, having a pet brings us:

  • More happiness
  • Less stress
  • Interest in doing physical exercise
  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Stable cholesterol
  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases
  • Greater chance of living after having a heart attack

    In the case of older adults, pets raise their owners’ self-esteem. It is that the responsibility of the daily care of the animal keeps them busy. If we add to this the love that the animal returns to them, we have as a result more vital elderly people who see anxiety, depression and sadness diminished.

    Animal assisted therapy

    Pet-assisted therapy involves the participation of pets in therapeutic interventions. The animal acts as a communication bridge between the patient and the professional.

    The beneficial effects of this practice can be seen in cases of:

    • Autism
    • Heart disease, terminal or mental
    • Cerebral palsy
    • Behavior disorders

    Thus, visiting pets in hospitals and nursing homes are highly positive for improving the mood of the sick and the elderly.

    A good example is James and Bubba, who continue to heal each other.

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