A Smartphone For Dogs

A smartphone for dogs

Technology advances every day by leaps and bounds. There is a wide variety of pet accessories, but the latter is truly amazing. It is a new smartphone for dogs. This novel invention has overcome the barriers of the incredible. Now, pets can also be included in the world of technology.

The new device allows you to maintain full control over the animal. It is not necessary to move from where you are to see what the dog is doing or where it is. It is a one-of-a-kind invention. Pet owners are in awe of the effects of the new gadget.

A new smartphone for dogs

The new accessory has the appearance of a simple dog collar. By hanging it on the animal, its location can be known at any time. This is a smartphone for dogs that acts almost like a GPS system. For animal owners, this new accessory brings enormous advantages when it comes to controlling pets.

Source: www.diariomascota.com

It is a very simple collar, which will not bother the animal in any way. A tracking device is activated within the accessory. Thanks to this, it is possible to locate the animal at any time, and in any place.

It is a smartphone for dogs that also has a mini camera inserted. Through this, it is possible to observe the animal at all times. The camera connects to a television system. In this way, the owner of the animal can view the images from his mobile, tablet, or any other device.


The new device for dogs has enormous advantages. Thanks to it, it is possible to monitor pets without having to move from the couch or bed.

But the novelty does not end here. The new smartphone for dogs also has an immediate call system. It will not be necessary to go in search of the animal, or yell at it to return. The owner will be able to call the animal’s device, through his own mobile. In this way, the dog will receive the call and will know that it is time to go home.

People who have pets will no longer have to be constantly on the lookout for their animals. The device will take care of all the work.

More benefits of the amazing smartphone for dogs

The innovative pet gadget, created in Las Vegas, has even more benefits. This device can also take care of the health of pets. It is capable of monitoring the heart rate and the kilometers traveled by the animal. This allows you to control the physical activity that the dog performs, and also the burning of calories.

The owner of the animal will know the cardiovascular health status of the pet at all times. This will prevent any type of abnormality in your health.

What kind of dogs can use the new smartphone?

The novel invention is not yet suitable for all of the canine species. The device particularly targets large breeds. The creators of the device considered that the largest dogs are the most difficult to control. For this reason, the new smartphone for dogs is so far limited to this type of furry. The device is expected to suit all kinds of dogs soon.

Low cost

The new smartphone for dogs doesn’t cost too much. It is estimated that its value is around an average of about 150 euros. The idea of ​​the creators is that all pet owners can access the new device. For this, chain production has to be further developed. The project is in an initial phase, but with a wide potential for development.

Today, the device is for sale only in the United States. In the coming months, the new smartphone for dogs is expected to be marketed in all countries of the world. Everyone wants to have this novelty to control their pets.

This is undoubtedly one of the greatest technological advances in the animal world, in the new century. This novelty is expected to work and give impetus to the creation of new animal devices. These types of artifacts will enhance the work done by pet owners.

It is a pleasure to enjoy the new technological advances that make it easier for us to coexist and deal with our pets.

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