Animals For The Aquarium: Tips And Considerations

Animals for the aquarium: tips and considerations

Fish are not the only ones that can inhabit our fish tank. There is an immense range of animals that can be incorporated and make life in the aquatic habitat more varied . Animals for the aquarium are a trend today.

However, we must always be careful with the mixtures we make within the controlled ecosystem. Not all species complement each other well.

Next, we will give a series of tips and considerations regarding the stay of other animals for the aquarium.

The prawn removes the algae

One of the problems of aquariums is the reproduction of algae due to phosphate, water temperature and sunlight. In this sense, one of the best solutions to this situation is the acquisition of some prawns.

These invertebrates are characterized by basically feeding on algae, which benefits the cleanliness of our fish tank. However, these little animals are not compatible with all types of fish.

Among the species that can live with prawns, the Molly’s, neons, barbels, discus fish and dwarf cyclicals, among others, stand out. On the contrary, specimens like the elephant fish could eat them. The negative is that these invertebrates could feel some stress in the presence of their possible predators.

Fish in a fishbowl

Newts and fish: bad combination

Not that this species of aquatic amphibian is totally incompatible with fish. What is true is that their coexistence can lead to aggressive encounters in some cases. The worst thing is the real possibility that certain diseases are transmitted between the two.

Therefore, gathering them can cause the death of some specimens. The water could store more waste, which would make the ecosystem more uncontrollable.

Those who do get along very well are prawns and newts. This question is important for people who make “gambarios”, or specialized aquariums for newts.

Fish could be a turtle’s appetizer

Turtles are not the best animals for the aquarium. In addition to the fact that this animal would rather need an aquaterrarium, they could try to eat the fish in the ecosystem.

There are people who have managed to combine turtles and fish in the same pond without major problem, although this always carries its risks. In any case, if species are to be joined, the right thing to do is to do it with fast-swimming, short-tailed fish.

A fish mixed with a turtle may survive, but it will have a lot of stress, the reptile being seen as a possible predator.

The sea urchin could fit well in the aquarium

Most species of sea urchin are herbivorous, so there will be no greater risk in coexistence. Even the incorporation of this animal could be quite advisable to keep the tank free of algae.

The only important thing is to choose the correct species. For this, it will be advisable to inform us with the manager of the pet store. The downside is that there are some species that are carnivorous.

Sea cucumbers would make good aquarium animals

Another excellent biological alternative for cleaning algae and marine debris is sea cucumber. It lives in the substrate looking for all kinds of food, and some even feed on the filtrate.

Their presence will not alter the fish, because they always remain in the substrate. Species such as Pseudocolochirus axiologus and Holothuria Hilla easily adapt to controlled ecosystems. We can get them at the pet store.

These curious animals will clean the aquarium, and their extravagant physical composition will allow us to decorate without resorting to artificial objects. We are talking about quite showy species.

Starfish are an option to consider

One animal that is seen a lot in aquariums is starfish. You have to know that they can eat anything, but everything will depend on their size and species. A small equiderm will simply not be able to fit just any fish into its hole.

Beyond this, your incorporation must follow certain specifications. For example, it is not appropriate to place a starfish in a freshwater aquarium because it will split. When this happens, significant amounts of calcium will be released which could harm the health of the fish.

And there are many animals for the aquarium that we must analyze. The reality is that the most convenient specimens are those that help us clean our aquatic ecosystem.

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