Benefits Of Prebiotics And Probiotics For Pets

What are prebiotics and probiotics and how do they help our pets? Here we give you the answer.
Benefits of prebiotics and probiotics for pets

A very common question in these times, with the rebound in the debate about intestinal flora and the possible benefits of promoting it, is whether prebiotics and probiotics are the same.

This question is natural, since the names are very similar and both act at the level of the digestive system, but the answer is no. Another possible later question is, do these foods work in animals? In this case we can say yes, and they also have multiple benefits for them.

Before knowing the benefits in pets, we are going to contextualize these foods in a theoretical framework:

  • Reviewing the Biology classes, we will remember that the part of the digestive system that is responsible for the absorption of nutrients and water from food is the intestine. The intestine is covered with thousands of different bacteria responsible for this correct absorption of nutrients.

    Let’s dive right into the concepts of interest in this topic.


    Prebiotics are plant fibers on which the intestinal bacteria feed and stimulate their growth. We find them in a multitude of fruits and vegetables composed of complex carbohydrates such as fiber and starch.

    A simple example of foods with prebiotics are bananas and asparagus respectively. These carbohydrates are not easily digestible by the body, but they constitute the main food of these bacteria so necessary for the proper functioning of the intestine.


    Unlike the previous ones, probiotics are made up of specific strains of bacteria that are added to those of the intestine, all working together for the correct absorption of nutrients.

    The best known probiotic is yogurt, which is obtained by fermentation of other bacteria that are included in its composition. Other well-known probiotics today are kefir and kombucha .

    Well-being foods

    Both prebiotics and probiotics are obtained through food, improving digestion, and therefore, promoting a better nutritional contribution to both the human body and that of the pet. It is proven that when the bacteria in the intestine are in a favorable environment, our health and mood improve.

    The benefits of prebiotics and probiotics in pets are evidence. But not all pets have the same needs and problems, and different compounds will not have the same effect on all of them. It is always advisable to consult a veterinarian for the best prebiotics and probiotics for the animal’s needs.

    Probiotics for dogs

    Benefits of prebiotics in pets

    As we mentioned before, prebiotics have their effect on the colonies of bacteria in the intestine, improving the absorption of nutrients. In addition, they also regulate the production of hormones of the pet and the proper functioning of these.

    With prebiotics we will achieve a good balance of the bacteria in the intestine. We will see how the animal will take better advantage of the food, and this will have its effect on improving its physical activity. Also your immune system will be strengthened, improving defense against pathogens and other diseases. Finally, it should be noted that prebiotics reduce the inflammations present in the pet’s body.

    Benefits of probiotics in pets

    Actually, our pet does not need probiotics to be healthy, but they will always help to reinforce the presence of “good” bacteria in his intestine. In the same way, bacteria that are harmful to your health, which can cause infections or inflammation, will be reduced.

    It is also interesting to add probiotics to the animal’s diet to replace worn-out functional bacteria, as occurs when our pet is taking antibiotics.

    Probiotics restore the body’s bacterial balance for proper functioning, so it is to be expected that they also help in moments of food transition by changing their feed or main diet.

    Bacteria of the intestinal flora

    In recent times there are many studies that claim to know the functioning of probiotics and their help in the body. It has not yet been proven for sure, but these compounds could also contribute to :

    – Treatments and prevention of inflammations in the intestine, stomach and ulcers.

    – Constipation treatments.

    – Reduction of reflux.

    – Reduction of the risk of colon cancer.

    – Treatments for skin and urine infections.

    – Treatment of allergies and asthma.

    – Improve the immune system.

    As we have seen, both prebiotics and probiotics provide an infinity of small positives in the intestinal complex of both pets and people. But remember, it will always be a veterinary professional who indicates the type of prebiotic and / or probiotic that the animal needs and the amount to be supplied.

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