Bumps On The Dog’s Skin, What Do They Mean?

Normally, the bumps on the dog’s skin are not serious, but, in any case, it is best to prevent and take the pet to the vet
Lumps on the dog's skin, what do they mean?

Suddenly, while stroking or grooming your pet, you notice a bump on a part of its body and alarms go off. However, although an immediate visit to the veterinarian is required, you should know that, in most cases, the bumps on the dog’s skin are not serious.

A problem with different causes

There are many causes that can cause the appearance of one or more bumps on your partner’s skin. And it is the professional who will have to determine its origin and the treatment to be followed.

In addition, in this and all cases, the faster you take your dog to the veterinary office and the diagnosis is made, the greater the chances of recovery of the animal.

It is likely that the vet can determine the origin of the bumps on the dog’s skin in the same consultation. But, on occasion, you may ask for a cytology and even a biopsy.

Learn about the different types of bumps on the dog’s skin, an issue that, in the vast majority of cases, does not cause serious inconvenience to the animal’s health. Anyway, you should make a consultation with the vet without loss of time.

Bumps on the skin of dogs

Why are bumps on the dog’s skin?

Some of the causes that cause the appearance of bumps on the skin of pets are:

  • Vaccination. After applying some vaccine to dogs, a small and hard lump can be generated in the place where the puncture was made. In these cases, the bump will disappear on its own in a few days and without presenting major problems.
  • Hits. If the animal is hit accidentally, a bulging area may appear, accompanied by a bruise and that will also tend to disappear with the passage of time.
  • Various injuries. An insect bite or a poorly healed wound that becomes infected often causes abscesses  on the dog’s skin.

Other reasons for bulging

Among the benign lumps that dogs can also suffer from, we find sebaceous cysts and lipomas. In certain cases, it is necessary to perform a simple surgery to remove them.

Another of the skin lesions that a dog can suffer and that generate bumps are papules. These are small eruptive tumors caused by allergies, exposure to irritating or toxic substances, or follicular infections.

Also, pay attention to whether the animal has warts. Although they are usually benign, they could cause some inconvenience, especially in elderly or immunosuppressed dogs.

Lumps in dogs

Cases in which packages are dangerous

However, some of the bumps on the skin of dogs can be malignant growths. It is the case of:

  • Breast tumor. It is one of the most common cancers in bitches that have not been spayed.
  • Hemangiosarcoma. One of its possible signs is skin lesions in the form of red or black nodules, or the appearance of bumps under what appears to be normal skin.
  • Fibrosarcoma. It manifests as small bumps around the spine, skull, or pelvic region.
  • Squamous cell carcinoma. It usually begins as sores that do not heal or with the presence of small bumps.
  • Mast cell tumors. They can be formed by cells designed to defend the dog’s body from the invasion of germs or foreign objects. They usually look like firm or smooth bumps.

As we always say, prevention is better than cure. So the ideal thing is that you dedicate yourself to periodically observing your pet to be aware of the appearance of any physical or behavioral signs that are indicating an anomaly.

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