Curiosities Of Animals

Many species have physical attributes or qualities that make them stand out from others and, incidentally, surprise humans with incredible abilities or striking behaviors
Animal curiosities

Animals resemble us in many ways, but differ greatly in others, so they never cease to amaze us. There are curiosities of the animals that we may not know and that we want to talk to you about today. Do you want to know them?

Curiosities of the animals, did you know that …?

  • Giraffes are mute. Yeah, and it’s not a genetic malformation or anything like that. They simply do not have vocal cords, so they cannot make sounds with either their throat or their mouth.
  • The whale’s tongue is like an elephant.  This is one of the largest mammals in the world, it is clear that this is the case when we know that only its tongue is so huge and weighs the same as an adult elephant. Impressive!
  • Ants have a burial. Yes, when an ant dies, its body automatically gives off a characteristic smell that attracts other ants that are responsible for transporting its body and burying it.
  • Dolphins sleep with one eye open. They say that the best are the weakest, and this also happens in the case of dolphins. They are noble animals that attract the most ferocious predators, so in order to be alert they sleep with one eye open, for what may happen.
  • Giraffes only sleep seven minutes. Yes, the giraffe only needs seven minutes a day to sleep and also does it standing up. It seems to be a way to stay alert and active, and to be able to flee quickly in case a predator lurks.
  • Mosquitoes have teeth. Yes, although they are so small that they have a total of 47 teeth. It’s funny to think that they bite instead of bite …
  • Hedgehogs see yellow. There has been a lot of debate about what colors animals distinguish. Many say that it is black and white, and others that it is blurred, although the hedgehog is the sign that, depending on the animal, these colors change. The hedgehog or porcupine, as it is known colloquially, sees in yellow.
  • Pigs cannot look up. Their body structure, the width of their neck and the low mobility of this prevents them from raising their heads to the sky.
  • Monkeys are precocious. Chimpanzees are said to be capable of consuming sex in just three seconds.

Monkeys delousing

More curiosities of the animals …

  • Lower than a worm. Did you know that there are worms capable of digging tunnels six meters deep?
  • Lizard pregnancy. The alpine black salamander has a pregnancy that lasts three years and two months. Poor dear!
  • The palate of flies. Have you ever wondered why flies bother you so much? Well, because on their legs there are more than 15,000 taste buds, which allows them to feed and create a relationship with the environment.
  • Elephants swim. You may have seen documentaries where they cross rivers, but their skill in the water goes further. Despite their high weight, they are capable of swimming doggy style with great dexterity.
  • The sexual dimorphism of lions. The lion is the only feline that can be distinguished with the naked eye if it is male or female.
  • The lion, the king of the jungle and of sex. It has been found that lions can have between 20 and 40 sexual intercourse in a single day.
  • Ants don’t sleep. It seems they just don’t need it …
  • Gorillas and their blood. All gorillas have blood type B.
  • It is like a rabbit. The reproduction of rabbits has gained fame, and with good reason, because a rabbit can have 800 children in her lifetime.
  • Be careful not to get bit by a shark. Sharks can have up to 3,000 teeth. What we don’t know is where they keep them.
  • The eyelids of camels. Because they live in the desert, camels are created with three eyelids to protect themselves from sandstorms.
  • Bees are color blind, only instead of mistaking green for red, they mistake yellow for blue.

European bee: sting

These have been some of the curiosities of the animals that we wanted to share with you. Surely some have surprised you and with others you have laughed, but the most certain thing is that now you have more knowledge about the animal world, a fascinating world that inevitably attracts us.

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