Dangers Of Cutting The Vocal Cords Of Pets

Although the dogs or the felines do not speak, thanks to the meows or the barks they communicate; the damages caused by this amputation are very serious, and it seems that the law is not very on the part of the animals
Dangers of cutting vocal cords in pets

The barking and meowing can be very annoying, both for us and for the people who live nearby, such as our neighbors. For these reasons, some decide to cut the vocal cords of pets, but what harm can this practice cause them?

Why not cut the vocal cords of pets?

Many believe that since animals do not have the ability to speak, they do not need the vocal cords, since with them they only emit sounds such as barking and meowing that, when they are excessive, can be really uncomfortable.

What is forgotten is that the sounds that animals make are a form of communication ; Let’s say it’s the only way they have ‘to talk’. Unfortunately, many judges have ruled in favor of neighbors who complained of constant barking with the sentence of cutting their vocal cords.

A real case

This is the case with Karen Szewc and John Updegraff, who are supported by livestock, which are cared for by Tibetan Mastiffs. They took a couple of these dogs in order to raise them and have several copies that would protect their sheep, thanks to those that live for the products they can generate.

As these dogs lived outdoors and without restrictions, their barking began to become more frequent and intense, to the point of annoying neighbors, Debra and Dale Krein.

This couple enlisted the support of the county in which they lived.  He claimed that the noises emitted by the mastiffs were violating urbanization regulations and threatened to continue doing so with more intensity, as their owners were ‘collecting’ more puppies.

Removing the vocal cords from a dog

Although the complaints were appealed by Szewc, with arguments such as that his dogs were his employees who looked after his assets in order to survive, they continued their course, as the barking continued and the complaints continued to arrive. Neighbors claimed that the couple who owned the dogs only gave arguments, but did nothing to solve the problem.

And what about the laws on animal abuse?

Animal lovers wonder when the law has cared for and protected these animals and has ensured the public good. We say the latter because Szecwc said that if he could not count on the help of the dogs to take care of his livestock, he only had to buy a gun, and we already know what can happen …

As expected, this initiative created an absolute stir in the networks, from which it was affirmed that this was nothing more than a form of animal abuse and that it was unthinkable that a judge or any other representative of the law could allow an atrocity of such caliber.

So far, no great results have been achieved in this fight. In fact, there have been many judges who have handed down rulings similar to the case we have seen previously. But the animal protection associations, plus other organizations that look after the good of animals, continue to fight for success to come one day.

Injuries from cutting the vocal cords of pets

The truth is that even these operations should not exist, since it creates many damages to our pets.

Depression in dogs

We must think that everything in our body, as well as in that of our pets, is put for something and has a function. Therefore, removing any of its parts is nothing more than amputation, and this is something that the representatives of the law must understand.

These are the damages caused by cutting the vocal cords to pets:

  • Depression  due to the inability to communicate.
  • Possible postoperative infections.
  • Fearful and nervous dogs  because, having no sound to defend themselves, they will be bullied by others.
  • Aggressive behaviors  because, having no other way to get your attention, it will do so with biting.
  • Traumatized pets , because being an unnecessary surgery the animal will be traumatized, and even depressed and, at least, with anxiety.

We hope that soon we animal lovers will achieve a victory over cases like these, but for now the best thing is to learn to control the barking of our pets so as not to get in trouble like this.

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