Dog Breeds You’ve Probably Never Seen

Dog breeds you've probably never seen

Dog breeds, by definition, are a group of dogs that are closely related to each other and with common characteristics in regards to their physical traits, and also in the way they behave.

Dog breeds are subdivided into two large groups, purebred dogs and mongrels or mixed breed. A purebred dog is one that meets specific physical characteristics, supported by its pedigree. This pedigree is a document that collects the genealogical tree of the animal, that is, who are its parents, grandparents, and several generations ago.

The number of dog breeds


The International Cynological Federation establishes the number of existing dog breeds at 344, although it is believed that worldwide the number may be higher than 400 breeds.

Little italian greyhound

Greyhounds are known for their large size, their legs ready for running, and their lithe, lean appearance. But there are also miniature greyhound dogs. This breed, called the Italian Greyhound, is the smallest greyhound in the world, with a lot of temperament, sociable and very mischievous.

Its weight is less than 5 kilos and its colors include black, gray, red, chocolate, etc.


It is a small dog, of French origin. Its name “papillon” means butterfly in the Gallic language, and it is due to the shape of its ears, which are reminiscent of a flying butterfly.


This dwarf dog with the appearance of a small bear and a strong personality is classified within the spitz family, but reduced to a mini size. Ideal to accompany you everywhere.

He takes his name from the German region of Pomerania and behind his long hair and proud gait hides a loyal friend who will follow you everywhere. It is another of the rarest dog breeds.

Although it is a small dog, it is not weak, it has its strength. In addition, you need little food and your daily walks, but without excessive exercise.

The Pomeranian is ideal for all types of people, from elderly people to families, and also for those who live alone in small apartments and cities.

Pomeranians tend to create very strong bonds with their owners, to whom they become very attached. Some of them are very territorial, so they can be used to alert to the presence of strangers.

Chinese crested

The Chinese Crested dog or Chinese crested dog is a very original breed of dog in its appearance, and a bit mysterious in its origin. But what should certainly be highlighted is her playful and cheerful character, capable of making anyone smile.

Although hairless, the Chinese Crested Dog is not exactly a bald puppy at all, but in fact part of its body does not have hair, but some areas such as the head, ears and tail are covered with hair.

The name of the Chinese crested comes from the pattern of its hair, as locks of long and fine hair hang down the back of the neck and the beginning of the back, reminiscent of a “crest”.

They are animals a bit nervous in their movements, reminiscent of the poodle, jumping, funny and flirtatious. Also, they are very sociable.

The character of the Chinese crested is sociable, friendly and very loving. Although sometimes they are a bit barking in the presence of strangers or “strange” noises. The Chinese Crested can learn tricks with ease, as they are intelligent dogs that enjoy learning new things.

Pug pug

This little breed also has a Chinese origin. It is an ancient dog, small in size but with a great personality. Although he likes to spend many hours lying down, he is also an alert dog, willing to play a lot, especially when he is still young.

They are small animals, with a great personality, especially in relation to their small size. They prefer warm temperatures and due to their characteristics they are happy in small spaces.

Legend has it that they snore when they sleep very often. And it is real.

Spanish water dog

spanish water dog

Although indigenous to Spain, it is an ancient breed. It was recognized as such recently, in 1999.

About this dog, it must be said that above all it is a shepherd dog, appreciated for its intelligence, obedience and great capacity for work.

It is considered a very hard-working, loyal, obedient, intelligent, courageous and balanced animal.

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