Dog Or Cat? Facebook Analyzes You According To Your Pet

 Dog or cat ?  Facebook analyzes you according to your pet

It is the eternal discussion, like that of the chicken and the egg. Dog or cat ? Cat or dog? What a difficult answer! Although there are fans on both sides, the truth is that it all depends on our personality, how we relate to pets and even the type of house where we live. The novelty is related to Facebook, who analyzes your profile based on which animal is part of your family.

Dog or cat, that’s the question

There is no doubt that those who have a dog at home are not the same as the owners of a cat. The first is more active and dependent, the second more lonely and self-sufficient. Do masters really resemble their pets as they say ?

two cats

Apparently this same question was asked by the Facebook executives and carried out an analysis comparing the differences between “doggy” and “catlike” users. Using the photos of 160 thousand people (where a pet appeared, of course) and analyzing them with the same program used to detect the faces of our friends, they reached more than interesting conclusions.

According to research, dog owners have about 25 more friends (average) than cat lovers. In favor of feline owners, it is worth saying that they have more invitations to events than canines.

In relation to published emotions, there are also divergences between both groups. In this way, those who have cats express a greater variety of feelings through the option of “I feel” than dog owners.

Cat cats feel tired, funny, irritated, happy, sad, in love, excited, and grateful. The dogs for their part express feeling fabulous, blessed, proud and exultant.

Among the other curious data of this study it is indicated that 30% of feline owners are single compared to 24% of canine fans. The difference is quite small, therefore we come to the conclusion that choosing a dog or cat does not have to do with being or not with a partner.

Something they all have in common? They like the movie Frozen , the Law and Order series, and the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. That is strange!

Dog or cat? What does science say?

Scientists say that those who choose to have a dog at home are more responsible and those who decide to adopt a cat are more adventurous. But those aren’t the only characteristics that differ between fans of both pets.

The University of Texas has conducted a study to conclude that “there are notable differences between people closest to canines and those who prefer felines.” Taking into account the results of the analyzed sample, 46% feel closer to their dog and express their feelings towards the pet, compared to 28% of those who have a cat.

Regarding the characteristics of dog owners, we can highlight that they are more outgoing and less neurotic, they describe themselves as kind and responsible and have the idea of ​​getting married, starting a family and having children.

gluten-detecting dogs

On the opposite sidewalk those who belong to the cat fan club are more adventurous, creative, prone to anxiety and are more willing to live alone (they are more independent).

The scientific explanation in relation to this has to do with the “contagion” of the character between the human and the pet, as well as the animal’s own perception. This means that for example if we are very sociable we will feel more identified with dogs and therefore we will decide to have one at home. On the other hand, if we love solitude and self-sufficiency, we will look for a cat as a pet.

Dogs require more care and attention, involve higher expenses, tend to be louder but at the same time protective of the home and a faithful company. Cats, on the other hand, are more independent, do not give as much work and are ideal for those who work all day.

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