Dogs And Witchcraft: A Historical Review

Dogs and Witchcraft: A Historical Review

Since ancient times, the dog has been the faithful companion of man. The so-called best friend of man has undoubtedly accompanied his master in various of his tasks, even the most unusual. This is how today we present you a small historical review of dogs and witchcraft. You will see that the dogs have gone beyond what housework implies.

Warlocks and witches have worked very closely with these animals. In fact, there is a lot to tell about dogs and witchcraft. It is necessary to analyze in detail the historical background of this issue to understand how this link arose.

Witchcraft has always been related to animals. There are different ways in which these different species connect with witchcraft. It must be remembered that animals emit a very particular energy, very different from that emitted by people. The energy of animals used in witchcraft to carry out various purposes.

A review of history: dogs and witchcraft

Animals connect in a very particular way with the esoteric world. However, dogs have their own separate story in the history of witchcraft. To talk about dogs and witchcraft, it is necessary to go back to the origins of the subject. This may mean going back many years in the history of man.

Wolf dog

First of all, it is necessary to distinguish between two types of magic : white magic and black magic. In the first case, dogs are taken into account, as pure collaborators.

Interaction between dogs and witchcraft

But, in what way can dogs and witchcraft get along? What benefits can be highlighted, given this very particular relationship? Many people are totally convinced of the energetic power that these types of animals possess.

Animals in general are characterized by their enormous sensitivity. Dogs in particular are the animals that most connect with humans. Since ancient times, sorcerers have used this particular connection to establish contracts for energy and protection.

Esotericism and witchcraft

Within the esoteric world, dogs are carriers of good energies. This energy would be used by the witcher for his protection. The dog would have, according to these theories, the ability to block the entry of bad energies. In this way, dogs have traditionally collaborated hand in hand with these particular beings.

Other sensations

Talking about dogs and witchcraft involves other issues. Sorcerers have always believed that the dog can perceive extrasensory emotions and sensations. The sorcerer has tried to connect with forces superior to him, through the perception of the animal. But for this, it is essential to understand the dog’s language in detail.

In general, the animal is not affected by this type of event. However, the same is not the case when speaking of black magic. In these cases, certain rituals are usually carried out, in which the animal is not favored. It seeks through them to offer a pure and divine energy, in order to counteract the effects of certain dark acts, on the part of the sorcerer.

When speaking of dogs and witchcraft, these animals are not recognized for their collaboration in black magic. In fact, the ability to interfere with black magina is particularly granted to cats. These animals, for some reason, are chosen in rituals of this type of magic over dogs.

What type of dog is chosen?

The witcher will also not establish a connection with any kind of dog. The animal will have to belong to some energetic environment, in particular. They are domestic dogs or that have established contact with the human world.

The sorcerer will be able to train the animal to prevent bad energies from entering the home. However, to achieve this end, careful and careful energy work will be carried out. Today, there are still many people who believe in the effects of witchcraft.

As we can see, it is a very particular issue. However, it is not difficult to realize that the dog has almost always been present in all human activity. Why shouldn’t it also be in energetic activities? There are many opinions that believe in immense canine power, with a lot of potential to ward off bad vibes.

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