Dogs Like New Toys Better

Dogs like new toys better

Like children, dogs like new toys better. This seems to be demonstrated by scientific studies that also indicate that, also as the little ones do, our furry darlings soon get bored of them.

The transience of the new is also found in a pet toy

homemade toys (2)

Everything seems to be summed up in a trend called neophilia which, according to the dictionary, means “attraction to the new or exotic”. Following this reasoning, it is not strange to point out that this type of behavior is one of the many forms that helped the furry to adapt to people.

So far everything is very nice. But what do you do with your pet’s pile of toys that keeps growing and is forgotten in a corner without your furry paying the slightest attention?

Do not despair. We will also tell you how to make your four-legged friend regain interest in his old toys. And what is better: to see them as new again.

It is as true that dogs like new toys that they soon get bored of them. We tell you how to make your dog see them again as a novelty.

The Study: Dogs Like New Toys Better

A study carried out by researchers from the University of Gissen, (Germany) and the University of Lincoln (England) concluded that, in most cases, dogs like new toys more.

To do this, they worked with 17 dogs to which they gave two of their favorite objects to play with their owners. Then, they added a third toy to the scene. It was thus that almost all the animals preferred the new option that was offered to them.

But to make sure the dogs were interested in the novelty and not the type of toy, the researchers repeated the experiment with different types of objects. And the result was that, in 38 of the 50 cases, the furry ones opted for the new object.

Another study on the subject

However, as the new soon ceases to be so, furry friends often lose interest in the other novelty soon.

This is stated by researchers from the University of Bristol and the WALTHAM Animal Nutrition Center, who have proven that dogs have an intense but transitory neophilia .

So, since it is not a matter of spending money on things that will soon cease to interest your pet, or that you invest time, dedication and love to make your toys, which will soon be put aside, there are certain tricks to get the old ones objects appear new and that your furry regains interest in them.

Tricks to avoid the neophilia of your dog

Next, we will tell you some of the strategies that you can put into practice so that your dog finds his old toys new. Try some of these options:

  • Don’t leave all the toys within reach. Give him just a few and keep changing them over the days, so that he will renew his enthusiasm for ancient objects.
  • Take any old toy and invite your four-legged friend to play together. You will see how, for sure, he renews his interest in the object.
  • Introduce some new smell in the element in question, to attract the attention of your pet. For example: you can rub the object on grass or dirt.

For novelty, the classics: don’t forget to play with your dog

toy dogs

Also, it is important that you do not buy or make their toys indiscriminately. Try to find out what kinds of items are more attractive to them, to keep the interest for longer.

Like people, dogs have different preferences. Once you find out, surely the type of toys you choose for him will hold his attention for longer. And, in all cases, remember that the materials of the toy in question must not be toxic to your pet.

But, above all, beyond the chosen toy, what your dog wants the most is for you to play with it. He will never get bored of you. Do not forget!

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