Ecological Products For Dogs

Ecological products for dogs

With a greater awareness of caring for the environment, organic products for dogs and cats have been gaining strength over time. These products have serious advantages in the use of pets, because in addition to being beneficial for them, they contribute to the environment.

This class of objects are ecological because they have a purely natural origin, without having any kind of chemical manipulation or the use of any kind of substance such as dyes, preservatives, etc., in addition to being biodegradable.

You may, without knowing it, already use some of these products for your pet, as they are very widespread among food, toys and accessories for dogs. Here are some of them.


Toys are essential for your pet because, in addition to entertaining him, they help him enhance his skills and speed up his development. Therefore, a good option for them, which is also favorable to the environment, is to buy toys made with unprocessed natural cotton.

The best thing about this class of toys is that they are usually very resistant, for example, they have a longer life than plastic toys, which tend to break easily.

Of course, make sure that, in case the toy has some kind of pigment, it has been applied with organic dyes and not with some kind of dye that can be harmful to your dog.

homemade toys (2)

I think organic

Many of the hypoallergenic feed that are promoted on the market are also organic. The advantage of these feeds is that they tend to have less additives and preservatives than common feeds.

Another advantage that this kind of feed provides is that they also have a greater amount of protein, but less cereals, which ends up being very beneficial in the prevention of food-related allergies.

Remember that whenever you expose your dog to a new diet you must do so with the consent of a veterinarian, as they will be in charge of controlling your dog and looking for the product that is best for him.

Beds and sleeping accessories

If you are one of those who spend a lot on bedding accessories for your dog, you will like to know that there is a wide range of ecological products that you can use.

Again, the best products for your dog are those made with materials like cotton, especially those that don’t use synthetic dyes.

Within this line you can find from beds and cushions, to soft blankets that will help your best friend to stay warm.

For felines

For cat lovers, we also have good news, as there are some specialized products for them. For example, biodegradable sand.

Biodegradable sand is a user-friendly product and has an incredible benefit. This is made from wood fibers, made through an environmentally friendly process.

These fibers degrade very easily once they come into contact with water, therefore, it is designed to dissolve in water, so you can easily remove it by simply throwing it into the toilet.

Another advantage that this sand presents over the common one is that, in comparison, it is much cheaper than those that are normally used, being the difference almost twice lower than the price of another type of sand.

cat and sandbox

Recycled products

However, beyond the purchase of new products, a very good way to contribute to the environment is through the reuse of objects.

There are many things that you can do for your pet, from beds to toys, using materials from things that are not in use. You can find a wide variety of alternatives for this on the Internet, therefore, we recommend you be very creative and get to work.

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