Exercise Together With Your Pet

Exercising together with your pet

As with people, dogs can easily gain weight and lose muscle tone if they don’t exercise, so including pets in their owners’ daily exercise is a good way to help them stay healthy. In addition, it can be a cause of motivation for the owner, since this activity forces the creation of a schedule in which the dog depends on the human to exercise and stay constant. However, it must be borne in mind that the dog is not going to tell the owner clearly if he is tired or if physical activity is being too much for him, so if he wants to exercise with his little friend, the owner must learn to Identify the signs of exhaustion in your pet.

What sport to choose?

The first thing to do is decide the type of sport to do with the canine companion. Jogging and walking are the most common exercises, there are many other possibilities. Some of them can be used to vary the routine and avoid boredom on both sides. In addition , the variety of exercise ensures that the dog does not strain his muscles. Among the routines that humans and animals can perform together are: jogging, running, walking, swimming, agility, cycling, skating, skiing, doggy or games for dogs.

Jogging, running or walking works well for both animals and people, although there are some breeds better suited to these exercises than others. Dogs with a slim build, long chests and muzzles, have greater endurance and can reach more speed than other dogs. It is important not to start running with the dog until his skeleton has matured, or he could have developmental problems.

Swimming is an excellent exercise for dogs, especially if they have joint problems, and in humans it is very good for the back. Of course, it is important to maintain some vigilance with our little friend while he is in the water, lest he has problems, which can prevent the owner from swimming as much as he would like. If a dog is not comfortable in the water, it is not convenient to force him into it, it is better to select another exercise.


Agility can be exercised with an obstacle course (fences, tunnels, ropes, etc …) so that the dog can run, jump and crawl. These exercises force you to exercise different muscles and to exercise your brain. And the owner must keep up.

Another option is a leisurely bike ride. The dog will have to walk faster than normal or even run and will use up a good part of its energy. The owner must maintain some vigilance over his dog throughout the trip, since the dog will use more energy than he does and he must recognize when his pet is tired.

Skating and skiing are two sports that only experienced skaters and skaters should engage in with their pets. The dog must follow the rhythm of its masters running, while they ski or skate, but it must be very well educated and be very obedient so that it does not knock the person over.

The doga is a mix between dog and yoga. Come on, what is doing yoga with the dog. It is a quiet workout and there are classes given by experts. Of course, if this activity does not exist in your area, you can always follow instructions on the internet.

Games are also a great way for a dog to exercise. They also increase their socialization.

How can I tell if my dog ​​is tired?

ejercicio perro

If a dog is exercising and suddenly lags behind, sits up, lies down, or just stands up, it may not be a sign of stubbornness, but simply that he is tired. Stop the exercise and do it again every day trying to increase the time little by little to increase your resistance. Also,  any sign of lameness is a red flag. If this happens, the exercise should be stopped and the dog should be taken to the vet.

Any dog ​​that is going to practice a sport must undergo a check-up with the veterinarian, so that the owner can make sure that it is in good health. Before your pet runs with his owner, he should be able to walk between 30 and 60 minutes without getting tired. A fit dog is usually able to run between 5 and 10 km with his master. If an owner is considering running a longer distance with their dog, they should consult with their veterinarian.

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