Fashionable Dog Breeds

Fashion dog breeds

Fashion involves various aspects of everyday life. The clothes, the hair, the furniture, and also the pets. During the course of history, the canine species has accompanied man at all times. Popular dog breeds have varied over time. These are the fashionable dog breeds of this 2017.

Trendy dog ​​breeds in 2017

Today there is a particular trend when it comes to choosing furry hair to take home. This year’s fashionable dog breeds share many characteristics in common. Small dogs, with short fur, protective and very intelligent.

Chihuahua lying down

There are seven dog breeds that stand out this year. They are very similar aesthetically. People nowadays choose to have small animals, adaptable to the environment, and not very complex. They are seven extremely loving and skilled breeds.

Portuguese water dog

It is a breed of Portuguese origin. She is very active and energetic. Loves outdoor athletic activities. They are dogs that are characterized by their high level of intelligence. They are also very good at swimming. The Portuguese water dog is very obedient and sophisticated.

This breed has been chosen as a pet by the family of the former US president, Obama.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

It is another of the most prominent dog breeds in fashion this year.

It is a dog with furry ears and intense eyes. Many aristocrats in history have chosen it as a mascot.

The Cavalier King is a skirt dog, used to the good life.

German shorthaired pointer

It has its origins in Germany. This breed has a very particular coat. In addition, their classic haughty posture makes this type of dog very attractive.

But, in addition to being aesthetically striking, the German Pointer stands out for many abilities. It is an ideal dog for hunting, in addition to being extremely obedient. Many people choose them for life in the country.

French bulldog

It is a sturdy and muscular looking dog. Its head is square, broad and very strong. He is protective and very intelligent. You need about an hour a day of exercise. It is ideal to keep it in places with small spaces, such as apartments.

The French Bulldog is a breed chosen by many celebrities. He is a very good companion, and extremely obedient.


It is a small-looking dog of Chinese origin. It is brawny, very compact, and its head is large in proportion to its body. This breed is listed as one of the thirty most famous dog breeds in the world, in all of history.

Author: wombatarama

These dogs are characterized by being lazy, but also friendly. Pugs love meal times and eat anytime. This makes them, at times, tend to be overweight. In addition, it is a breed with a lot of style and personality.

Pembroke Welsh Crogi

These are a very famous breed in England. They are hardworking, loving and highly intelligent dogs. Sometimes this dog imitates the tasks of the sheepdog.

The Welsh Crogi is an ideal breed to live with children, due to its friendly character. Many people compare the appearance of this furry to that of a fox.

Boston Terrier

They are very cheerful and intelligent dogs. Several presidents of different countries have chosen this breed for a family pet. In addition, this is an extremely sociable breed, and easily adaptable.

The Boston Terrier lives for approximately 12 years. It is an animal that is very easy to maintain, due to its short hair and its great capacity for understanding.

Some coincidences in fashionable dog breeds

The fashionable dog breeds of this 2017 tend to be aesthetically small. People are increasingly opting for pets that are simple, but elegant at the same time.

As we can see, the most popular dog breeds today are usually those that are easily adapted to living in apartments and living with children. In years past, the preference was for large breeds with little intelligence ability.

Any of these dog breeds will be perfect for good company and easy coexistence. They are also dogs that adapt quickly to life in the country.

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