Get To Know The Feline Horoscope Here

Learn about the feline horoscope here

Astrology also reaches pets and cats are no exception. Aries? Gemini? Capricorn? Pisces? If you know the date of birth of your kitten, consult the feline horoscope and learn about the personality of your little friend.

Feline horoscope, Aries

If your cat is Aries, it will be a fighter, exuberant. Capable of reaching great heights with a single jump. They are independent creatures. But be careful with its claws. Aries cats are powerful hunters any scratch, you will surely feel it a lot.


The Taurus cat can sit in the sun all day and just enjoy that great luxury. He loves the affection of his owner. So it demands a lot of attention. It will sit on your lap waiting for you to pet it for a long time. Praise is very important to Taurus cats. So try to pamper him 100%.


What is a Gemini cat like? Without a doubt a great communicator. It must be purring for your attention. It will also rub around your legs and look for a playmate at all times. They are very happy if they share their territory with a littermate.


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The Cancer cat loves treats and sweets. Mood swings in this feline are usually quite frequent.  It can be somewhat unpredictable, but still, it turns out to be a very good companion. It all depends on how you interact with him.


Leo’s cat is the true king of the house. It can be a great protector. A  Leo feline will require the best toys and great feasts. He is a great hunter when he has the opportunity and loves to share his home with another cat.


Meticulous, the Virgo feline, will always be attentive that everything is in order at home.   This cat, for example, will not tolerate a dirty litter box. He’s extremely loving and when he’s sick, he might even try to snuggle into your lap. Keep a special space for this kitty, as she likes to know that there is always a safe place to hide when things get out of control.


The Libra cat will demand love and attention. So you should brush it frequently, take care of its nails and keep it clean. For him her beauty is the most precious asset. She loves velvet pillows and will always need a pole to sharpen her nails. He does not like to be alone for a long time, so he will always need someone to be there to give him the care he requires.


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If you’ve ever been attacked by a cat behind the couch, it was probably from the sign of Scorpio. They will surely make a mess of your house since they can  have quite a strong temperament. He never forgets if you have scolded them or if you forgot to say hello when you got home. He is very aware of all the movements of the home and will try to get your attention.


The Sagittarius cat constantly needs to live with variety. You enjoy exploring new places and being in contact with people. He likes to travel, walk and share his home with other animals. It is somewhat restless and needs to be in constant motion. That is why it is very important that you pay attention to him, so he does not get bored with the routine.


The Capricorn cat is going to act younger as he gets older.  Yes, it will never be an adult, it will perhaps be the eternal puppy. He is a loyal feline and a good companion. He interacts well with children and other cats, so it may be a good idea to introduce a kitten into the home to keep him company.


It adapts well to households with a lot of animals and is friendly to all other species. The Aquarius cat will probably have some eccentric appearance. It is fiercely independent and this feline sometimes likes solitude. That is why it is a perfect company if you are not at home for too long.


Toy lover can spend hours playing. He is very intuitive, likes to take long naps and enjoys looking through the window glass. Its hunting instinct is always on the alert and if it is neglected, it will easily jump to catch prey.

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