Greyhound Or Sighthound Dog Breeds

Greyhound or sighthound dog breeds

In this article we will tell you which are the greyhound or sighthound dog breeds that exist. This group of canines has a slim build. They are also well-equipped for racing, as they can reach great speeds. They are taller than they are long, the head is long, and they have a great sense of sight.

What types of greyhound dogs or sighthounds are there?

They are used mostly to hunt rabbits and hares for their speed and agility. But increasingly chosen as companion dogs. In addition, there are three types according to their hair (long, hard and short). One of their main characteristics is that they are dolichocephalic (which allow them a broader vision). Here we tell you which are the greyhound dogs or sighthounds that exist:

1. Afghan Hound

It is one of the most famous sighthounds in the world and, as its name suggests, it comes from Afghanistan. This greyhound has long, fine and silky fur, and owes its origin to a cross with the Saluki dogs that came from Persia. The first Afghan Hounds are believed to have been born in 1000 BC Since then it was used as a hunting dog. He is usually very independent, is really fast and wins many beauty pageants for his spectacular coat.

2. Borzoi

This breed of greyhound or sighthound was developed in Russia and is descended from the Arabian greyhound, although it also resembles the Russian sheepdog. It was created to hunt hares and wolves. For centuries he was the chosen one of the noble families and the tsars. Grand Duke Nicolas was a well-known fan of the Borzoi. With an agile body, long curved tail, silky fur and elongated head, this dog can be of various colors, always with a white “base” and yellow, red, gray, brindle or orange spots.

3. Saluki

It is known as “the royal dog of Egypt”, and it is one of the oldest that is still being bred. It is believed to be one of the greyhound or sighthound dog breeds that is descended from the wolves of the Ara desert. The Bedouins esteem it and choose it to hunt gazelles and as pets. They are usually quite independent and need training to be gentle and affectionate. With an elongated head and body, drooping ears, a long curved tail, and a deep thorax, the Saluki can have two types of coat: smooth or “feathered”.

4. Irish Wolfhound

He is also called Wolf Hunter and comes from Ireland. He was used to hunt and to guard farms and ranches. It is related to the Scottish Greyhound and is the second tallest breed in the world along with the Great Dane (although the latter beats it for being more robust). The hair of the Irish Wolfhound is strong and thick, in fawn, gray, brindle, red, black or white colors. It is a very docile animal and gets along very well with children.

5. Spanish Greyhound

Sighthounds in this country are known as “greyhounds”, a word derived from the Latin Gallicus, which means Gaul. It is a pure breed that through time has not been crossed with others. It can reach up to 70 km / hour, being one of the fastest dogs. It has short, fine and smooth hair, a thin appearance, a voluminous chest and long legs. In recent years it has become one of the most popular greyhounds or sighthounds for company.

6. Sloughi

The Berber or Arabian Greyhound arose in North Africa (today it can be found mainly in Morocco, Tunisia, Libya and Algeria). It is a game and guardian animal. He has short hair, floppy ears, a “melancholic” expression, amber eyes and light weight. His energy seems to never run out. It has a strong and compact view. Intelligent, alert, sensitive and faithful to its owner, the Sloughi is generally in good health.

7. Azawakh

Another of the greyhound dogs or sighthounds that come from Africa, but in this case from countries like Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso. It was traditionally used by the nomadic peoples of the desert to hunt gazelles. With an elongated head, black nose and open nostrils, large eyes, triangular ears, and a curved tail, the Azawakh is loyal, caring, and affectionate towards his family. It can be somewhat territorial and reserved with strangers.

Main image source: Pleple2000.

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