Guidelines For Adopting An Adult Dog

Guidelines for adopting an adult dog

When it comes to adopting a dog, those of us who are animal lovers, always think about whether the option of adopting an abandoned one or one from a kennel will be a good one even if it is an adult. This is obviously a great idea, as giving a home full of peace and love to an abandoned animal is undoubtedly an unbeatable act of kindness. 

Now, adopting an adult dog can have its disadvantages compared to adopting a puppy. There are factors that you must take into account and that you will have to assume and analyze in your mind before adopting an adult dog. Let’s see what these are.

What to keep in mind?

Autor: Kristine Paulus
Author: Kristine Paulus

An adult dog, as a general rule, can be purchased in kennels or animal shelters. You should bear in mind that an adult dog of this type may be there because it has been abused or abandoned. How does that affect? When you take it home, you will have to acquire a lot of patience. The adult dog will not trust you at the first change as it could happen in the case of a puppy.

Although these dogs have a high power of adaptation, it will take you weeks to make him feel comfortable in his environment and not tremble every time you call him. He does not know you, he only sees you as a human making him remember that someone just like you hurt him, either physically or emotionally.

Another issue to take into account when adopting an adult dog is that it already has education from its previous owner, or perhaps it has been raised on the street and does not have any. Don’t pretend to show him everything you want from him as soon as you get home. You will overwhelm him and you will not get much.

How to make you feel good?

Woman giving her dog a kiss

First and foremost: treat him with a lot of love. Be patient if there are things he does wrong. Maybe if you grew up on the street, you will pee around the house or you like to spread the garbage. Do not scold him, wait until the animal feels adapted to teach him what you want.

Prepare a warm and cozy place for him, where he can feel safe. Put its feeder and its water near that place so that the animal does not feel lost without knowing where to go.

It is better if you do not receive visitors at home for several days. Think that your face and those of your family will be new to him, the house will be new too, his bed, his food; seeing more people will not be a positive thing. It’s best to let your adult dog get used to seeing you and start loving you before introducing more people.

If there are children in the house, you might want to talk to them. Lovingly explain the animal’s situation to them, and make them understand that it is not convenient to overwhelm the puppy and that although they will be able to play with him, now is not the time, that it is better to wait a few days until we all get to know each other. They will surely understand!

When you take it out for a walk, the animal may feel scared in the presence of people or other unfamiliar dogs. Therefore, do not take it off without a strap. Get a short leash that is not extendable so that you can have full control of the animal, at least for the first few days.

You will probably want to run and a short leash will be the best to prevent that from happening. Of course, if you are a reader of our blog, you will already know that we do not agree with these types of straps, so we do not want you to believe that we are promoting them. But on occasions of this type, in addition to when the dogs are large, they are perfect for controlling the animal.

Although it may seem cute and cuddly to have a puppy that you can raise according to your needs, helping one of these animals, an adult dog, can be a fantastic idea and act of kindness. 

Normally, the adult dog that has lived on the street or that has been abused will be very grateful and it will not cost to teach him. You just have to be patient and treat him with a lot of love. As always, we tell you: love, affection and perseverance.

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