How Big Do Cats Grow? And My Cat, Does He Grow Fast?

How much do cats grow?  And my cat, does it grow fast?

Unlike humans , cats grow fast. They can reach six months and adult size, and can already start running, jumping, and even hunting. Let’s remember that humans at that age don’t even crawl. Today we answer big questions, like how much do cats grow?

From birth, cats purr to let their mothers know they are feeding and doing well. They do the same later with humans, to let them know that they are comfortable and feel happy and content.

Cats grow at the beginning of the road


Kittens do not do well until 17 days of age. But already at that time they try to move as they can: crawling. When their mother wants to take them from one place to another, she grabs them by the nape with her mouth; Instinctively, the little felines freeze to avoid hurting themselves. The first teeth come out after two weeks of life.

Between three and four weeks of age, baby cats grow up to relieve themselves and can learn to use the litter box. Beware of the first illnesses.

At the age of between four and eight weeks of life, kittens begin to wean, starting with the intake of solid foods, which replace milk. In this way, they can already jump, run, climb and have a very good sense of balance. They clean themselves and also their little brothers.

Between eight and twelve weeks of age is a very fun period for both kitten and their owners. At this age, cats grow and the little feline has the same muscles as an adult, but he has yet to learn to calculate heights, speeds and distances.

Cats grow into adulthood

From three to seven years, we will notice that our cat does not want to play as much as before. He spends a lot of time sleeping (he can reach fourteen hours a day) and becomes very territorial.

Between seven and twelve years, the cat begins to age. His character is becoming more and more sedentary and calm. You will spend a lot of time resting. He will play sometimes, just sometimes.

The life expectancy of a cat is higher than that of a dog. You can turn 25 years old.

Hunting skills

After one year of life, most kittens spend a lot of time learning to hunt, and many of those times, people become the target of the games. After 1 year, most kittens continue to grow at a much slower rate, until at least 18 months of age.

The reproduction

Sexual maturity in cats, when it comes to puberty in feline terms, takes a few months from start to finish. The process usually begins when the kitten reaches 6 to 9 months of age. While a female can get pregnant once she is physically mature, pregnancy can be tough on her still growing body.

Male cats that have reached this age can already be parents, so it is not a good idea to keep them together with female kittens, to avoid that possibility.

When it comes to spaying your cat, it’s best to talk to your vet about when to do the procedure. Many veterinarians prefer to spay or neuter kittens before they reach full sexual maturity. Neutering male kittens before 6 months of age can prevent unwanted behaviors.

Cats grow up and become social animals


By the time the animal reaches six months of age, the cat grows older and may become clingier or moody due to the hormonal changes taking place in its body.

As the kitten matures into an adult cat, its nutritional needs change. You have to vary the food of the feline to a food for adult kittens around 12 months of age. We may have to feed the cat less food per day after the first year, especially if we have a neutered cat.

If we notice that the cat is developing tripilla, we must cut the amount of food it takes.

In the case of shelters, it is always more difficult to adopt an adult cat than a kitten.

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