How Do Dogs Sweat?

How do dogs sweat?

With summer installed among us, both people and animals must take care of high temperatures and exposure to the sun, especially at certain times. In times when if we are not calm and in cool places, it is most likely that perspiration invades us, you may be interested in knowing how dogs sweat.  

Humans and dogs perspire differently

exercise for resting dogs

The act of sweating is essential to maintain a regulated body temperature. For humans, the average mark is 37 degrees Celsius. That of dogs ranges between 38 and 39 degrees.

However, l will have dogs mechanisms to regulate its temperature are not as effective as people possess. Therefore, if we do not take extreme care, it is likely that they are exposed to heat stroke, which can often be fatal.

In any case, the summer heat is not the only cause for your furry being exposed to this problem. The exercise intensely or in unventilated enclosure (eg a car) can cause heat stroke to the animal at any time of the year.

Learn some details about how dogs sweat

Unlike humans, dogs lack sweat glands distributed throughout their bodies. In part, they perspire through the pads of their paws. That is why, when the thermal marks rise, they can leave their wet footprints on the floors.

But the pads, apart from cushioning their steps, help the furry to stay isolated from the temperatures of the ground, thus also helping to regulate their body temperature.

Also, the dogs is it fair n from other tools to expel heat. They do, for instance, through your face, from his ears and, above all, his mouth. That is why the animal gasps, sticks its tongue out, breathes faster and even drools .

Panting, a good way for dogs to regulate their body temperature

When the temperature rises, the dog’s body reacts by sending warm blood towards the tongue. This causes the salivary glands to remove heat through moisture.

In addition, the fact that the blood circulates through the snout and mouth of the furry makes it reach its brain cooler, an issue that contributes to the effective temperature regulation process.

The evaporation caused by panting causes the furry ones to lose a lot of fluid. That is why it is essential that these animals always have a sufficient amount of water available.

Dogs and heat stroke

protect a dog from heat stroke

Now that you know how dogs sweat, it doesn’t hurt to remember some measures to prevent heat stroke. Take note:

  • Do not walk or do s let him exercise in hours when temperatures are very high.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun when thermal marks s They are very high.
  • If the furry usually spends time in a patio, balcony or terrace, make sure it has enough shade and drinking fountains with fresh water.
  • Inside the house, provide him with ventilated and comfortable places.

Keep in mind that brachycephalic breeds – such as the Pug , the Bulldog or the Chihuahua – are at greater risk of suffering from heat stroke due to their anatomical characteristics (snub-nosed dogs). In addition, puppies, senior animals and those that are overweight are also more at risk of suffering from it.

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