How Do I Stop My Dog ​​from Eating Rocks?

Does your dog eat rocks and other indigestible items? You should know that it is a disorder that can have various causes but to which you must find a prompt solution to prevent it from suffering damage – more or less serious – in your body. We tell you what you can do to avoid this practice.

That doggy mania of eating strange things

Dogs tend to ingest, especially when they are still puppies, substances that are absolutely unpleasant for us. For example, poop, be it your own or someone else’s.

This behavior can be considered as normal, and is framed in the exploratory desire and to know the world of the little ones.

The problem occurs when these attitudes persist over time or when, for example, they chew and / or eat stones and other objects that can end up causing serious health problems.

Know a disorder called pica

The disorder is known as pica and does not occur only in dogs. It also gives other animals and even humans to eat different “non-food” elements. Thus, a dog – in addition to pieces of rock – can chew and swallow, for example:

  • Clothes, especially socks.
  • Books or magazines.
  • Shoes or other types of footwear.
  • Paper bags.
  • Pieces of toys.
  • Sand, cement, ashes.

Possible reasons for a dog to eat stones

But why would a dog want to eat rocks? And, in any case, how can we avoid it?

It is believed that with the intake of these and other elements, as in the case of grass, the animal is trying to induce vomiting to alleviate discomfort caused by digestive or kidney problems of varying severity.

But there can also be other reasons, both physical and behavioral. And it is that perhaps the furry one, for example, is demanding more attention from you with these attitudes.

So if you find your dog in these matters, better make a consultation with the veterinarian to find the precise cause and find the best possible solution.

What consequences can the ingestion of pieces of rock have?

In any case, whether due to a pathology, youthful curiosity or an occasional event, it is best to carefully watch your furry dog ​​to prevent it from eating stones or any other object that could cause harm.

Chunks of rock, especially if they are very large or sharp, can inflame the dog’s digestive system. Thus, the animal usually appears inappetent or presents diarrhea and gastritis.

But in some cases the stones pierce the intestine, putting the dog at risk of death. Or they get trapped in your stomach generating chronic gastritis. Then a surgical intervention is imposed to be able to extract them.

In addition, the fact of chewing these elements wear and even break the dog’s teeth and cause wounds in its mouth.  This behavior can also cause animals to choke when trying to ingest a piece of rock and risk suffocation.

Tips for your furry to stop eating stones

Having ruled out the physical causes, among the things you can do to prevent your pet from eating stones are :

  • Say NO firmly when you see him put any inappropriate object in his mouth.
  • Avoid games that include these elements. For example: do not throw stones at him like a ball so that he will fetch them and bring them to you.
  • Pay due attention to it. If the animal feels ignored, or is bored, it may begin to manifest different strange behaviors so that you will notice it, including eating stones.
  • Do not expose him to stressful situations – such as leaving him alone or locked up for a long time – because they can also trigger attitudes such as eating inedible objects.

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