How Do Our Dogs Express Themselves?

How do our dogs express themselves?

Although some people are reluctant to believe it, our dogs express themselves, they have a kind of language. And they also understand us.

If we have given a correct education to our pet, in addition to expressing themselves, they will have a correct reaction to the orders we give them. In this understanding, there are some guidelines or signals about their behavior. From them we can deduce what the dog wants to transmit to us.

Signs through which our dogs express themselves

dogs wag their tails with their hearts

  • If they sleep next to us, in addition to seeking our company, they are showing us their love and affection towards us. However, it is not the best idea to get used to sleeping with humans. The best thing is to get into the habit of sleeping alone.
    • Loyalty, as we know, is the main quality of our pet. They love us and their fidelity will be the maximum until the last moment of their lives.
    • Its tail is one of the best known signals. We have always interpreted it as a clear sign of happiness or sadness, even fear. But it can also mean other things, such as tension, nervousness, some fears, etc.
    • The licks of our dogs are also signs that they express themselves. However, when a dog licks its owner it is not just a sign of affection. There are other things that this gesture can mean, such as submission, obedience, companionship, etc. Let us bear in mind that licking already occurs between the dog and its mother from a very young age.
    • Dogs come, originally, from wolves. The herd is the most important concept. They always tend to protect and take care of their boss. And their owners are part of that herd. When there are no other companions of the same species, the herd is formed by their human family. From there, they will use the herd for various things, from seeking protection and companionship, to vigilance to taking care of the safety of that community that they have created with you.

      More details of canine expression

      • Dogs lick their owner’s wounds are known. However, not only in the case of wounds, but also dogs will notice when their owner is sick. In this way they will try to help, in the way they do best, which is to accompany and clothe with their company at all times. Its intention is to alleviate and calm the pain of its owner.
      • Also jumping in dogs is usually a sign of affection and joy. Dogs express themselves and jump, among other things to catch up with their owners. With this they will be able to lick him, reach his hands if his owner does not bend down, etc.
      • They are also typical attitudes those of leaning on their owner and leaning over him. Although they are usually attitudes to get their attention, claim games, affection, or simply remember that there is an appetite and it is time to eat.

        Facial expressions

        If we think that our dog does not smile, we are wrong. There are many studies that agree that our pet can show many different gestures.

        In these facial expressions we can verify various stimuli, positively in joy and happiness, or also in the case of less pleasant things. If our pet looks at us and we think he is smiling, he is indeed smiling. And that means a sign of a lot of affection.

        When we make gestures and the dog accompanies us with his eyes, it is the most unequivocal sign that he is aware of any gesture we make, and that his dedication to us is total.

        Small home thefts and barking


        In the case of our pet having “stolen” a sock or a shoe from us, we should not interpret it negatively. What we must interpret is that he misses us a lot and the object he has picked up for it represents that we are, it has our smell, and that is something that the dog needs to feel.

        Something similar happens with barking. If the animal barks at noises at the door of your house or strange sounds, we should not bother; We must be aware that the animal is taking care of us, it is ensuring the safety of what he considers his home and his family. That is his way of protecting something that is considered very close to him.

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