How To Comb Your Cat?

How to comb your cat?

The custom of combing a cat is not only a matter of aesthetics. It is also important for your health. Additionally, it is a way of establishing an affective bond with the animal.

By instinct, cats tend to groom themselves by licking their fur. This results in hairballs accumulating in their mouths that they themselves swallow.

Sometimes  these hairballs cause choking. To get rid of them, the feline must vomit, which is quite unpleasant for them, so cat owners must avoid this type of situation.

Grooming a pussycat keeps its fur shiny. In addition, it helps to eliminate excess hair on their body, which helps to minimize the amount of hair they shed in the space where they are developed.

Another reason why your cat should be combed is because it reduces the secretion of dander. This is, therefore, one of the main causes of allergies to cats. In addition, daily brushing also helps prevent the presence of fleas or lice.

Recommendations for combing your cat

 1.  Choose the best time to do it. Ideally, wait until the cat is relaxed, especially the first few times or when it is not used to being combed.

Source: Takashi Hososhima
  • The best way to start is by pampering the animal. We must dedicate ourselves to caressing their fur several times until we alternate the hairstyle with the caress.
  • Specialists who share the idea of ​​feline communication recommend talking to the animal. Thus, we must explain to him that he is going to comb his hair and ask for permission to do it.
  • It is very likely that in the first opportunities the cat will hardly allow itself to be groomed and brushed. In these cases, it is recommended that the hairstyle has a short duration. Little by little , as you gain confidence, the styling time will lengthen.

    2. Use the correct comb. To comb a cat you must use a special brush for them. Depending on the type of coat, there are brushes with harder or softer bristles.

    •  Separate bristle brushes are ideal for long coats. In the event that the hair is short, the rubber brush is the most recommended.
    • Moistening the comb can help prevent hair from spreading in the air.
    • It is best to start combing the cat’s back or back,  and then the neck and head. For the end the legs and the belly should be left. The latter is the part that they like the least, so it is not advisable to start there.
    • Although the part of the belly and tummy are the most difficult, they should not stop brushing. It is in this area where cats tend to groom themselves, which causes hairballs in their mouths.

    A matter of time and routine

     3.  Estimate the duration. There is no exact measure of how long to spend combing your cat. Ideally, it should not be a minimum of 4 minutes.

     This time is enough to reduce dandruff. Also to activate the natural oil of the skin, which will make the coat shine.

    There is also no maximum time. Above all, the feline must feel that it is a loving session,  so it can be brushed for as long as desired.

    4. Establish a routine. Like the rest of the animals, kittens are a kind of customs. One way to get him used to brushing is to do it every day at the same time.

    It is important to identify when the cat is most relaxed. To do this, you have to observe your routine: possibly before or immediately after eating is not the best time.

    Bathing a cat

    It is customary to say that cats and water are not compatible. However, it is all about custom.

    Cat bathing

    A cat that has been bathed since childhood will be used to receiving a bath to groom itself. For their part, adult cats find this ritual more reluctant.

    In these cases there are certain tips that should be followed:

    1. Comb your cat before bathing. This helps remove dead hair.
    2. Use a shampoo suitable for pets. This type of product does not irritate the mucous membranes.
    3. Wear rubber gloves. In this way, the cat will not slip from your hands because of the soap.
    4. Dry it with a hot towel.

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    Main image source: combed cat

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