How To Counteract The Bad Smell Of Skunk?

The bad smell of skunks is one of the worst nightmares of humans who share a habitat with them. However, with the right techniques, it can be eliminated.
How to counteract the bad smell of the skunk?

In the wild, you are more likely to encounter skunk odor than the animal itself. This defense mechanism of the mephitids ( Mephitidae ) is fascinating to study, but what happens when this aroma is suffered in the meats themselves?

If you live in an area where these mammals actively forage, you may have encountered this unpleasant scent on several occasions. In the event that you need to get rid of this smell, here are some helpful tips for it. Do not lose hope.

What is the bad smell of the skunk?

As you probably already know, the bad smell of the skunk is part of its defense mechanism against predators. It is a liquid called thiol, which is secreted in the perianal glands of the animal. Its smell, between bitter and rotten, is due to the fact that it contains sulfur.

When this mammal feels threatened, it defends itself by spraying this liquid in the direction of the predator, with such power that it can reach a whopping 3 meters away. The skunk can also preventively impregnate with its aroma an area that needs to be secured, such as the entrance to its burrow.

Thiol can be irritating on skin and eye contact – if you’re unlucky enough to get it on your face. However, it is not a toxic substance, at least for large animals, such as humans.

The face of a skunk.

How to eliminate this smell?

This defense method is one of the most effective in the entire animal kingdom, as the bad smell of the skunk can take days to go away. This not only happens if he sprayed you with the defensive liquid directly, but he may have spread it near your house, in the car or other places, in order to mark his territory.

However, if you spot a skunk, you should not be alarmed: these mammals approach human sites in search of food and to hunt small animals, such as rats or insects. Your presence can be beneficial, as long as you don’t disturb them.

However, if these animals settle near your home, they may scent the surroundings. If this is the case, you can follow the following tips:

  • The tomato juice and vinegar mixture is helpful in eliminating odors, but if you need to get rid of itchy skin or eyes, it is not a valid method.
  • Mixing baking soda, liquid soap and hydrogen peroxide is a good solution for clothes and hair. Be careful that the mixture does not come into contact with eyes or mucous membranes, and do not prepare it in advance to store it – the container could explode due to accumulation of gases.
  • Diluted vinegar — or vinegar solutions that are marketed for cleaning, for objects or clothing — is very effective in removing strong odors in general.

    In any case, it is always best to prevent these animals from approaching the houses. Some techniques for this are to cover holes in the garden, close the garbage can or feed your animals inside the house. There are repellants marketed for skunks, but make sure they are not harmful to them, the environment, or other animals.

    If the smell is outside or on an object, the ideal is to locate where the animal has settled. If the skunk is still in its hiding place, it is important to turn to authorities who can remove it – and its young, if that is the case – without harming it.

    A skunk on a white background.

    One last tip

    Be patient. The chemical that skunk ejects from its glands is a pungent odor that is difficult to remove, especially from the body and clothing. It is very likely that it will take several washes to completely neutralize it.

    However, keep in mind that this is the last defense for skunks – they won’t spray you right after you see it – and that they can’t use it constantly, as their glands have to make fluid again. If you do not want to take this unpleasant surprise, it is best to leave them alone and call on experts to throw them out.

    It’s easy to feel animosity towards an animal that shoots foul liquid at your face, but be understanding. The presence of skunks does not have to be a problem, so let’s try to live in harmony and respect the living beings around us.

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