How To Help A Cat That Fell From A High Place?

How to help a cat that fell from a high place?

It is said that felines have 7 lives … and if we add to that their innate curiosity … it is not strange to see them climbing trees or rooftops, or falling from them. In this article we tell you how to help a cat that fell from a high place. Without a doubt, one of the most common accidents in this pet.

Cats and their relationship with heights

We still don’t know why … but that cats love to climb, no one can deny it. Some say it is from their hunting instinct, others from curiosity. There are also those who claim that it is due to a lack of fear of heights. And we could add that they love to play when they are puppies or that their slim body and flexibility allow them to go anywhere.

Their extraordinary ability to emerge unscathed from falls has given them the nickname of “having 7 lives.” And it is so frequent that they fall from the heights that veterinarians have given this accident a name: “parachute cat syndrome.”

It usually happens more in puppies and youngsters, because they are more curious, more intrepid … and more inexperienced. From an early age they come to life and choose the most dangerous surfaces and areas for their games and adventures.

However, it is from adolescence (when sexual activity begins) that they are more prone to falls, especially in males … When sniffing the pheromones of females, they do not take into account the dangers. Following the trail, they can try to pass through inaccessible places and fall.

In the case of adults, falls are less frequent, and in most cases it is due to problems with the nervous system, weakness, bone problems, muscle problems or lack of balance.

How to help a cat that fell from a high place?

A fall in a feline can be caused by different reasons. In the event that it is something repeated, it is essential to go to a veterinarian to check it and indicate an appropriate treatment for Parachute Cat Syndrome.

If the professional does not find anything “strange” in the animal’s physiognomy, then it is a matter of behavior or habit. Perhaps the animal has gotten used to climbing trees or the roof from a young age and older it is difficult to withdraw that “enjoyment” even if it falls several times.

If your cat falls from a great height we recommend that you:

1. Do not give painkillers or human medications to the cat that fell

Many people make this mistake when trying to cure their pets. However, medicines for people can cause poisoning in animals even in low doses.

2. Keep it immobilized

This is a bit difficult for cats that won’t sit still for a minute. When in pain, felines even become dangerous and can bite or scratch their owners. You have to treat it as sweetly and cautiously as possible. This way he won’t freak out and will let you take care of him.

3. Take him to the vet

You may think at first glance that no serious damage has been done, but some injuries are invisible to the human eye. The doctor will check you, evaluate your symptoms, and do some tests to make sure you have not broken a bone or have an internal injury (for example in the lungs, very sensitive in cats).

4. Watch their behavior

If after falling from a very high place and before taking him to the vet you realize that he is abnormally immobile or still in one place, hides under the bed or table, meows all the time or does not want to eat, then go ahead your consultation with a professional, as it may have internal damage or be very sore.

5. Take prevention measures

Owners of cats who love to climb around can for example close windows, balconies and vents; Give him more toys to entertain him and build platforms that allow him to climb to different places without hurting himself when he falls and you will prevent the cat that fell from feeling bad.

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