How To Help A Puppy Sleep Through The Night

The playful nature of a puppy can turn into a nightmare at night, for you and the whole family. Learn some simple tricks to help your puppy sleep through the night.
How to help a puppy sleep through the night

Helping a puppy sleep through the night may not be as difficult as you may have imagined. In many ways, having a puppy at home is like having a human baby. They are cute and funny, although they also have occasional tantrums.

Like their human counterparts, dogs are most active during the day. Even if they take frequent naps, they will fall into a deep, long sleep at night.

What to expect on your puppy’s first night

Your puppy’s first night at home will likely happen in one of two ways:

  1. Your puppy will be totally exhausted from the excitement of the day and will go to sleep immediately.
  2. Your puppy will have trouble settling in. Moving to a new home with strangers is a stressful event, even if everything seems to be going great.

Example of helping a puppy sleep through the night

Before bringing your puppy home, ask his breeder, foster family, or rescue organization for a toy, towel, or small blanket that smells of your puppy’s mother or siblings, or their former home to place in his crate. for dogs at bedtime. These familiar scents will help you relax and settle in.

The younger your puppy is, the less likely it is that they will be able to sleep through the night at first. Dogs do not like to dirty the areas where they sleep. For this reason, if your puppy needs to go to the bathroom at night, he will start to fuss and cry.

When you hear him cry, take him outside for a walk, then bring him inside and put him back in his box. Most puppies sleep through the night by three to four months of age, at which point they are ready for a dog bed.

Exercise, one of the best ways to help your puppy sleep through the night

Getting your dog to exercise vigorously a few hours before bed is a near-foolproof way to help your puppy sleep through the night. However, you should know that if you do it immediately before bed, your puppy will still be very excited and will have trouble falling asleep.

Puppy sleeps with stuffed animal

Collect the water!

If your dog drinks a lot of water, leave some of the water in the bowl, but not the full bowl. Leave just a little bit of water in the bowl and add some ice cubes. That way, your dog can distract himself by chewing on the cubes, and the ice will give him enough water to stay hydrated without filling his bladder.

He is hungry?

You know how uncomfortable it is to go to sleep on an empty stomach. You lie down to sleep, but can’t fall asleep, and shortly after you’re staring at the refrigerator with your puppy by your side.

In the same way, an empty belly can also keep your dog awake. Evaluate the timing of your puppy’s meals; You may not be feeding your pet enough, or not very early. Pay attention to whether your puppy sleeps better with something on his stomach.

Leave a radio on to help your puppy sleep through the night

There are dogs that simply cannot bear too much silence; silence increases your anxiety. Leave the radio on low volume, preferably on a talk show or weather channel, rather than music. The sound of voices can comfort and help your puppy sleep through the night.

Should I leave my puppy in bed with me?

If your puppy is already house trained and you enjoy cuddling, then of course he is. If this is not the case, it is time to establish ground rules. You should train your puppy so that he can spend calm time. If a puppy understands that he is in a safe place, he will be able to sleep comfortably through the night.

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