How To Help Animals In Spain

How to help animals in Spain?

In Spain there are different foundations, organizations and associations to help animals, in which respect for these beings, the love and affection that we feel towards them is the engine of the daily struggle for all those who suffer inhuman behavior with it. that some people reward their loyalty.

A suitable home to help animals

Autor: Vicki Warwick
Author: Vicki Warwick

It is important to find a suitable home where these animals receive love, friendship and loyalty. We must also collaborate in the control of populations of dogs and cats without an owner, taking into account that this is a service to society, which benefits from the point of view of health, solidarity and security.

The options in Spain are many. Become a member of an animal shelter, sponsor, adopt a dog or cat, report abuse and contribute to respect for animals, avoid unforeseen or desired litters, etc.

How to help animals

Here are some ways to help animals in need.

Join a protector

Become a member of an animal shelter. These types of organizations that have shelters have to feed the animals they collect, in addition to offering them appropriate health care. They also carry out proper maintenance of the facilities.

Among the help options through a protector are: collaborating with campaigns that promote adoption, support for legal initiatives, participation and publicity of conferences and talks and all kinds of help in the reception center facilities.

Members are a fundamental part of the maintenance of these associations. Therefore, the spirit of associating and paying the appropriate fee to defend animals is a very important action in helping these helpless beings.

The first thing you have to do is select an association that responds to objectives with which the partner agrees. The fees and benefits (which usually also include the sending of your publication) vary depending on each association.

Animal sponsorship

The sponsorship is to pay a certain amount of money. In this way, the godparents help to maintain the animals collected at the shelter in a more personalized way. Some associations have in their protocol the sending of a photo with a brief history of the animal to their godparents.

Adoption of animals

Adoption is a purpose not only solidary but also necessary. Spanish shelters are saturated with abandoned animals.

Adopting a dog or cat in a responsible way is the way to offer a home to an animal that needs it to give all its love and dedication to those who do it. Some data on adoption in Spain affirm that approximately half of the dogs in shelters and municipal centers end up being adopted.

Avoid unwanted litters

The shelters each year receive numbers of dogs and cats that come from unwanted litters. Another cause is the removals and changes of address, and other times there are economic reasons. A good remedy if unwanted litters are not going to be controlled is sterilization.

Report abuse

Reporting abuse is also an important action, of a social nature and towards animals. The Nature Protection Service collects every year more than 10,000 complaints of mistreatment and violence against animals in Spain, including beatings, abandonment, lack of care and food, torture, etc.

This commitment of citizens to denounce and inform the competent authorities of cases of mistreatment of animals represents a fundamental solidarity action against this type of illegalities.

Another option is to report animal abuse videos on the Internet. Complaints can be made through the Nature Protection Service and animal defense associations, which usually have legal advice.

Associations to help animals

dog shelter

You have to know that each animal protection association has its own policy for selecting volunteers to help them in their daily work. All those who are interested in collaborating in an animal protection association can contact them by phone or by email.

The associations will take note of the data of the person who proposes their services as a volunteer. These are listed for the purpose of contacting the individual when their help is needed.

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