How To Teach The Puppy To Relieve Himself

How to teach a puppy to relieve himself

If you have made the decision to adopt a puppy, you have to be clear that you are going to take responsibility for a child. So you will have to feed him, play with him, pamper him and above all educate him. It is very important that his education begins the moment he arrives at your home, since the more adult he is, the more difficult it will be to educate him.

The first thing the puppy has to be clear about is where he has to relieve himself. It needs to be a clean dog, so you will save yourself a multitude of problems. Do you want to know how to teach the puppy to relieve itself in the place you have chosen?

Choosing the place to relieve yourself

Until you get the vaccinations, it is not advisable to take your puppy outside and of course not to interact with other animals. Until then, you must teach your puppy to relieve himself always in the same place.

For this, it is preferable that you wait for your dog to relieve himself for the first time in the place he chooses, if you consider that it is okay, since it has to be away from the place where he has his food and water, it is time for him Put newspaper papers on the floor and when you are at home you must make sure that they fulfill their needs there.

Establish a routine


Think that the most common moments in which your pet goes to relieve themselves are: after eating or drinking, when waking up or after playing, so you can take advantage of it to control that it does them in the chosen place. At the moment in which it is going to evacuate, the puppy begins to turn on itself, that is the main symptom.

So try to establish meal, play or rest times, this way it will be easier to know when he is going to relieve himself, in this way you can educate him and warn him of the right place.

The time has come to teach the puppy!

It is very important that you are constant in the education process, do not give up since it is essential that you be continuous in training. As soon as you see that your puppy wants to go to the bathroom, you should take him to the chosen place and leave him there. When he finishes you must reward him with a treat or his favorite cookie.

If he relieves himself in a place that is not the chosen one, you must tell him with a resounding “no”, that it is not done there and it is convenient that you take him to where the newspapers are.

Something very important is that if you have left home and he has gone to the bathroom in the wrong place, do not scold him because he will not understand, you have to correct him at the same time. Do not worry if he does not learn at the same time, think that he is like a child and that he needs his time, you only need patience and perseverance.

Do not make the mistake of hitting or punishing him, much less rubbing his nose in his excrement, this should not be done under any circumstances.

It’s time for the ride

cachorro de paseo

As soon as your puppy can go out, it is preferable that he does his business in the street, so it is time to change the bathroom area. But you shouldn’t remove the newspapers until your puppy has fully learned to relieve himself outside.

Do not expect him to go to the bathroom on the first day of going out to the street, since he is used to doing it in the chosen place, you have to be continuous. Do not be frustrated if you spend hours in the street not going to the bathroom and then when he gets home he goes with the newspapers to do it, since it is normal.

Try to always choose the same departure times. A good time to go out is in the morning as soon as you wake up. When he manages to go to the bathroom on the street, you should reward him and tell him that he has done very well, he has to understand that now the bathroom is on the street and not in the house.

Do not come back from the walk immediately after relieving yourself, you should extend the outing for a few more minutes. The removal of the newsprint should be progressive.

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