How To Understand The Nutritional Needs Of Puppies?

If after 20 minutes the animal has not finished its food, it can be an indicator of an excessive portion
How to understand the nutritional needs of puppies?

Meeting the nutritional needs of puppies is essential for their development and, more importantly, for the quality of their adult life. However, there are many owners, especially first-time ones, who doubt the type, quantity or frequency of feedings.

The first months of life of dogs are the most decisive. It is a stage where not only the physical growth of the animal will take place, but also a good part of its character will be forged. All this implies greater attention on the part of the owners, which guarantees both the nutritional needs of the puppies and the time they dedicate to their emotional state.

As with babies or any young animal, the introduction of food should be progressive, according to their weight and age. In general, it is estimated that puppies grow 20 times faster than adults, hence the importance of a balanced and specific diet for them.

How to meet the nutritional needs of puppies

Currently there are many brands that have formulations intended for the first months of life. Normally, these are compositions rich in protein, essential for the muscles, and with a large amount of carbohydrates capable of providing high levels of energy. In addition, they are usually enriched with essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals such as calcium, keys in bone development.

When choosing the type of feed, it is advisable to review both the age at which it is oriented and the quality of the food. Likewise, it is crucial to differentiate between small and large dogs, as there are even brands that make specific feed for each breed.

Nutritional needs of puppies

Formulations for large dogs often have nutrients to support joint health, as these large animals tend to develop arthritis at maturity.

For its part, feed for small breeds has a higher proportion of nutrients, and it is that they supply more energy. This fact is because small breeds have a higher metabolic rate.

When it comes to meeting the nutritional needs of puppies, it is as important that the formulations are balanced as they are palatable. In general, small dogs tend to have more difficulty finishing their feedings. Therefore, it may be advisable to opt for croquettes or cans capable of providing more nutrients with smaller amounts and in a more attractive way for the animal.

Basic feeding tips

Once the type of feed has been chosen, there are a series of recommendations that we must take into account:

  • The number of intakes usually fluctuates between three or four, depending on the size of the portions and the appetite of the animal. Normally, this frequency will be reduced to two feedings after six months. However, it is advisable to follow the advice of the veterinarian, the manufacturer’s instructions and the specific needs of each pet.
  • If the dogs do not finish their food after 20 minutes, it can be an indicator that the portion is excessive. In this case, you can opt for more attractive formats such as cans, but you should avoid giving food that is not specific for dogs.

Dog with bowl of feed

  • When making a change in diet, proceed progressively.
  • It is preferable to opt for quality formulations, normally sold in veterinarians or pet stores, than for more basic products. These first ones will cover the nutritional needs of the puppies without the need for additional supplements.
  • Reserve a clean and quiet space for the animal’s meals, for which it is necessary to faithfully comply with the meal times and, thus, consolidate a feeding routine.

Ensuring the well-being of puppies is essential to the quality of their adult life. For this reason, the owners must dedicate the necessary attention to cover the required nutritional needs, without forgetting the affective part of the animal.

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