Human Drugs Prohibited For Dogs

Human drugs prohibited for dogs

Imagine that your head hurts a lot and that, no matter how hard you search, you are not able to find a pill to alleviate the problem. Then you see in the medicine cabinet that medicine that the vet prescribed for your dog when that blow occurred, about which he complained so much.

Surely, if we have not lost our senses due to pain, at no time would it occur to us to take our pet’s drug. Yes, it is more likely that we do it the other way around, that we think that nothing will happen to our little animal even if we give it a medicine designed for us. However, it is a big mistake that you should never make. Also, you should know that there are human medications that are prohibited for dogs specifically.  Let’s see what they are below.

Human medications don’t work in dogs


We not only have to avoid thinking that the medication that works for us will also be useful for our dog. We must also be very careful with the place in which we store these kinds of products, to prevent accidental ingestion. If your dog comes across a drug, don’t hesitate, he will eat it.

That is why it is essential that you take special care with these five prohibited human medicines that we will see below and that you never give them to your dog. Of course, don’t leave them where you can reach them either. If you have an accident of this type, do not feel that you are fulfilling your role as the owner of your pet. However, if you want to do better, this article will help you: Requirements to be a good master.

Human drugs prohibited for our dog

dog pills

1.- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

In practically all homes we can find non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is acetylsalicylic acid, the well-known aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen. Although these human medications relieve us when we feel many types of pain, for our dog they can be fatal. If ingested, you can suffer serious gastrointestinal problems, such as vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, ulcers and, in some cases, kidney failure that causes death.


As in the previous case, it is another very common human medicine. It is used for pain or fever. It can cause our pet liver complications and the destruction of red blood cells, with the consequent difficulty in transporting oxygen.

3.-Medications for cholesterol

In the case of the first two human medications, we may think about administering them to our dog if we notice it in pain for any reason. However, with cholesterol drugs the intake would be accidental since, as a general rule, we do not know the cholesterol levels of our pet. Like the rest of the medicines, you should keep them in a place where the dog cannot access, since  if he ate any of these pills, he could suffer vomiting and diarrhea. In addition, its long-term effects or with a massive intake could be lethal.


In these times of stress, benzodiazepine is present in many homes, as it helps to get to sleep and control anxiety attacks. But let’s not think that it is useful if our dog is upset. On the contrary, it  will cause you great nervousness and may end up affecting your liver as well. If your pet is in this state, try putting into practice the advice in this article: How to relax a dog.


Animals also experience periods of sadness, but in no case can the antidepressants that we have in our home help them. Check the problem with your vet. If you gave him this type of drug, he could even die, so be very careful. Something that can cheer him up is what you can read here: Creating a beautiful area for your pet at home is possible!

Our pet is very important to us and therefore we should never give it a human medicine. If you think he is unwell, tell your vet. Let’s not get careless either, they can never be within your reach. Not the five we’ve seen or any other. If you think that your dog has ingested a pill of any kind, do not delay and take it promptly to the emergency services. As we have seen, its effects can be lethal.

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