Hypothyroidism, Causes And Treatment

Hypothyroidism in dogs is a relatively common hormonal imbalance; Due to a tumor or improper diet, your dog’s thyroid glands may stop working properly
Hypothyroidism, causes and treatment

Canine hypothyroidism is a disease that causes the thyroid glands to malfunction. These glands are located on both sides of the dog’s windpipe.

The thyroid gland produces hormones called thyroid. An important fact, and one that almost everyone does not know, is that there are two parts of the thyroid hormone: T3 and T4.

T3 is the active part and is produced mostly by the thyroid gland. The rest is produced by the other tissues of the body. On the other hand, T4 is the inactive part of the hormone: it is responsible for circulating through the bloodstream. As T4 is assimilated by the tissues, it becomes T3.

T4 is produced by the pituitary gland, which is located at the base of the brain. This gland produces a hormone called HET, which is responsible for stimulating the thyroid to produce more T4.

The thyroid hormone is responsible for controlling the metabolism of your dog’s organs and systems. Also to stimulate the development, growth and maturation of the central nervous system.

Hypothyroidism can be considered a relatively normal hormonal imbalance in dogs. However, insufficient thyroid hormone production is not something to be taken lightly.

All dogs can develop hypothyroidism, but it is most common in the elderly or middle-aged. Among the breeds most prone to developing hypothyroidism are: miniature schnauzers, dachshunds, golden retrievers, and dobermans.

Causes of the disease and symptoms

There are numerous reasons why your dog could develop hypothyroidism. The three most common reasons are: a tumor, your immune system, or a low-iodine diet.

Your dog may have a tumor, but it is not always malignant. In almost all cases of thyroid gland problems due to a tumor, it is a sebaceous tumor.

Hypothyroidism: symptoms

This tumor or sebaceous cyst can be removed with a quick and easy surgical operation. Sometimes, if the tumor has invaded the gland, it is also necessary to remove all or part of it.

The immune system can also play against your dog’s health. When the thyroid gland is attacked by the immune system, it works too hard. Thus, the gland becomes exhausted and stops working.

Another cause of this disease can be that the diet is very low in iodine. The thyroid gland uses iodine to synthesize its hormones. If your pet does not consume enough, his thyroid is unable to do its job.

In addition to the above, your dog can acquire this disease due to a genetic condition, an atrophy of the gland or even as a side effect of another medication that you administer.

But you should not worry excessively. If detected early, hypothyroidism can be treated and your dog will have an absolutely normal quality of life.

In addition to being overweight, your dog can present numerous symptoms, such as: hair loss, listlessness, anemia, high cholesterol levels and lack of balance.

Another symptom can be tissue thickening in areas such as the head and intolerance to low temperatures. In addition, a dog can have eye and nervous system problems.

Treatment of hypothyroidism

First, it is extremely important to make sure that your pet has hypothyroidism. Dogs are often misdiagnosed. Do a blood test before giving any type of medicine.

Treating hypothyroidism is not complicated. In most cases, the vet prescribes a treatment with thyroid hormones to compensate for its deficiency.

Hypothyroidism: treatment

The dose of this drug, called thyroxine, is decided solely by the veterinarian. The dose of the drug is determined depending on the size of your dog, its weight and the degree of development of the disease.

When the cause of hypothyroidism is not an autoimmune condition, treatment consists of stimulating the thyroid tissue to function properly again.

Over time, the starting dose may be too little or too much. Both cases are detrimental to your dog’s health. If you do not take the correct dose of medicine, you will not receive the correct treatment, so you will not improve and it can be dangerous. 

If, on the other hand, your dog suffers from hypothyroidism due to a tumor or a cyst, it must be surgically removed. After removing the tumor, your dog’s gland will function completely normally.

They are not just medicines

In addition to operating him or giving him his medicine, there are other cares that must be taken into account. You should know that food plays a fundamental role for the quality of life of your pet.

Follow a diet based on your intake of iodine and tyrosine. Tyrosine is a very important amino acid for the metabolism and even the mood of your pet.

You should also try to get your dog to eat as little processed or chemical foods as possible. The more natural, the easier it will be for your body to metabolize food.

In addition to all this, it is recommended that you do regular blood tests. This is a very important measure, especially if you are taking long-term medications.

Unfortunately, hypothyroidism cannot be prevented. The only thing you can do is feed your pet as naturally as possible and take him to the vet regularly from puppyhood.

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