Is Cod Oil Good For Cats And Dogs?

Is cod oil good for cats and dogs?

Cod oil is known for its many beneficial health properties. This product contains fatty acids that improve the bones and joints of the body. It has been heard at times that it is possible to give it to our pets, but is this true?

In this article we are going to talk to you about it. Let’s first see what cod oil is and what it is for.

What is cod oil

dog running in water

Cod oil is extracted from the liver of cod that live in the Atlantic. It is a food supplement that provides fatty acids and Omega 3 that greatly benefits the bones and joints.

It has been given to children in pill form for years to strengthen their developing bones.

Cod oil is a source of Vitamin D and this is generated autonomously with sunlight. As nothing in excess is good and an overdose of vitamins can be harmful to the body, it is recommended to take the product in the fall and winter time, when sunlight is less.

Seeing this, it seems that all are advantages with cod oil, but, will it be good for our pets? The answer is yes. let’s see how it benefits them.

Cod oil for our pets

Cod oil is beneficial to our pets in many ways.

Omega 3

As we have said before, this oil is rich in Omega 3, a fatty acid that will greatly benefit your pet. Why? Because animals themselves cannot generate it and need external input from it.

Hair and skin

If your pet suffers from skin or coat disorders, these will improve as soon as he starts taking cod oil. Its fatty acids have a beneficial influence on the dermis and hair of the animal, having visible results after a few weeks.

Low defenses

If your little animal has low defenses due to a disease or a heart condition, cod oil is more than recommended. The same happens at the time of pregnancy, lactation as well as for the proper development of the puppy.

Fatty acid deficiency

As animals do not have the ability to create the essential fatty acids that the body needs, this oil will help them to have them, since it is very important, since the lack of these can generate in your pet:

  • Allergy
  • Dry and dull hair
  • Fatigue
  • Greasy hair
  • Dry Skin
  • Weak and brittle nails
  • Joint pain
  • For dogs with dermatitis, this oil is essential.

Problems due to nutritional deficiencies such as having changed the diet for a poorly formulated one, due to a decrease in the ration, when the food was poorly stored or when the animal suffers from the stomach, can be alleviated thanks to this miraculous oil.

How much oil to give and for how long

cats stick out their tongues

This is a question in which you cannot be dogmatic or generalize, since each animal and each situation is different. Everything will depend on what happens to the animal and how much it requires.

Therefore, the answer to this question in a personalized way can be given to you by the veterinarian after having analyzed the animal.

This is necessary because as the saying goes, everything in excess is harmful . Therefore, giving your pet more than is required can be harmful to the animal. For example, it contains a high content of vitamin A, and an excess of this can be toxic especially in cats.

An excess of cod oil can also create calcium buildup in the bones that will lead to problems later.

Therefore, although this oil is very beneficial due to its many properties, you must be certain of how and when to administer it so that it fulfills the role it should.

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