Is It True That Dogs Smell Fear?

Is it true that dogs smell fear?

Certain animals were highly regarded by many mythologies thanks to their sensory capabilities. In popular belief it is said that dogs smell fear. But is there any truth to all of that?

Classically it was believed in a single truth, and that only humans were intelligent enough to achieve it. Fortunately, the development of veterinary science shows that the instinct of animals can represent another kind of intelligence.

Observation of animal behavior can help to disprove many human prejudices. And yes, indeed, dogs smell fear, it is more a test of wisdom than the popular sayings reserve.

Is there the smell of fear? How do dogs perceive it?

It is more than proven that dogs have a much more sensitive and sharpened sense of smell than humans, and than many other members of the animal kingdom. For this reason, dogs are used in missions such as detecting weapons, drugs and bombs. Is that why dogs smell fear?

To offer an answer, one tries to look at the ability to sniff out fear through scientific experiments.

Popular wisdom states that dogs and some other animals would be able to tell when a person is afraid of them through smell. Therefore, a horse may not allow someone to ride it. So a dog can exhibit defensive behavior towards some humans.

Does fear smell?

If dogs smell fear, it is because there is a characteristic smell of this feeling. Only in this way could animals recognize it through smell. But if there is a smell of fear, what would it be?

The most widely accepted justification today is based on the olfactory ability to recognize somatic signs of fear. The feeling of fear is basically a defense of the organism. This allows you to be alert to possible threats.

So, if someone recognizes himself in a dangerous situation, the body releases a series of hormones to prepare the body for the reaction against the external threat. These hormones are released into the blood and body fluids, such as urine and sweat.

The presence of these hormones alters the characteristic smell of a person. And, as dogs recognize from their nose, they could react to certain strange aromas. That would be the first explanation of why dogs smell fear.

More symptoms that dogs smell fear with

But the physical symptoms of fear are not only in the smell. Excessive perspiration, increased heart rate, restlessness or nervousness, changes in body temperature, altered tone of voice, dry mouth …

All of these are natural reactions of the body that warn of self-preservation and survival.

When dogs smell fear, it is also because their senses (especially smell and hearing) recognize these cues. Sweat has a characteristic odor, while an increase in heart rate can be perceived by dogs with privileged hearing. The combination of these factors can make a dog more alert.

Therefore, it is not advisable to force interaction with a dog in case the person feels threatened by the animal. It is not that dogs can take advantage of this condition to attack. But their instinct for self-preservation can cause them to react by prevention.

Animals and natural disasters

Another curiosity that is based on the same logic is the statement that some animals, especially dogs, could sense natural disasters.

This statement has been strengthened after groups of scientists from different countries observed alterations in the behavior of animals, weeks before natural disasters.

The organism of animals is capable of sensing signs of alterations in the composition of the soil and air.

On the one hand, the emission of gases would increase the amount of positive ions in the environment. That would trigger the production of a hormone similar to adrenaline. So the animals get agitated and try to escape.

On the other hand, birds and mammals such as chimpanzees and elephants would also perceive the seismic vibrations produced by the intensification of the movement of tectonic plates.

That would be the explanation for why animals become hyperactive when exposed to changes in their habitat. And they can come to anticipate natural catastrophes.

Main image source: ** Parapluie **

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