Itchy Ears In Your Puppy

Parasites, fungi, otitis, foreign bodies or food allergies can be the reasons why a young dog scratches in that area repeatedly
Itchy ears in your puppy

There are many reasons why dogs scratch their ears. It is a very frequent and annoying action, and you have to look for more important reasons than a simple itch.

Determining if the cause is pathological is the job of the veterinarian, so you have to visit him immediately. The professional has the appropriate diagnostic instrument, the otoscope, and is empowered to sedate the animal if necessary.

It is not always easy to examine our pets, as some specimens are very restless. Next we will see some causes of itchy ears in our puppies, which must be confirmed by the family veterinarian.


The most well-known parasites that generally produce the most itch on the skin of dogs are mites, fleas and ticks. They are easily installed on the skin or hair because they are spread by contact between the animals themselves. They are also found in the environment (soil or plants) waiting for an opportunity to infest the animal.

Atopic dermatitis

Unless there is a large infestation, the above parasites can be quickly and safely eradicated  using commercially available chemicals.

To avoid infection there are products such as flea  collars , prophylactic baths and injections that are applied with certain periodicity.

Dog with vomiting and diarrhea


There are thousands of possible fungi that can affect the skin and coat of dogs, most favored by humidity and heat. However, the best known is the one that causes ringworm.

It causes itching, itching of the ears, redness or discoloration of the skin and hair loss in the affected areas. When these symptoms are observed in the pet, it should be taken to the veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis and for the prescription of the appropriate treatment.

Otitis and other infections

The cause of the itching may not be superficial and the dog may have an acute ear infection, known as otitis. It is necessary to observe if in addition to scratching, the animal has other reactions. Some of them are shaking the head, rubbing it to the side, loss of balance, discharge from the ear, or some visible swelling.

Dog scratching with paw

Otitis and other infections are pathologies that can lead to greater severity. For this reason, the dog must be taken to the veterinarian in a timely manner so that he can prescribe the antibiotics required in these cases.

Strange bodies

Another cause of itchy ears in the puppy can be the entry of objects into the ear canal. It is not unusual for foreign bodies such as leaves, seeds, stones, branches or spikes, but also small objects to be accidentally introduced to it ; Only medical personnel are trained to inspect and remove these items.

Food allergies

The food allergies that dogs can suffer from consuming certain foods have different symptoms; among them is precisely the itching in some areas of the body, especially in the ears. From so much scratching, there can be redness and induce more itching, which generates a vicious cycle capable of preventing healing, whether it is a disorder or a symptom.

Skin allergies in dogs

Again, in that case it is the veterinarian who will determine what the itching reaction is about and how to restore the pet’s health with the application of the appropriate treatment.

Myths about allergies in dogs

Some myths about itchy ears and some  diseases of dogs should be clarified :

  • The conditions mentioned in this article are not contagious to people.
  • Any dog ​​could be affected by some of these diseases or situations. They are not related to poor hygiene or the breed or origin of the dog. They can suffer equally those of race or mestizos or those who live on the street; the only thing that can influence is that the dog has been very vulnerable since childhood.
  • If there are more animals in the home, such as other dogs or cats, the same curative or prophylactic measures should be taken with them, as it may be something contagious.
  • The indicated medical treatment should be followed ; It should always be remembered that, although the problem has apparently disappeared, if it was a pathogen it is possible that there is a relapse.

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