Letter To My Adopted Dog In Heaven

Letter to my adopted dog who is in heaven

In the network we can find all kinds of letters and various documents, addressed to dogs that have died, and that show the affection, in a letter to my adopted dog, that their owners had towards them, mixed with the pain.

Sample letter to my adopted dog

I decided to go to a shelter to look for a dog no older than two months, I went through several, the requirements they asked were as if I were going to adopt a child, I did not understand it. Tired and jaded of searching and not finding any puppies, I was ready to give up. “

happy samoyed dog

“I returned to one of the shelters, I was walking through the cages until a small sigh caught my attention, I turned to see and there you were, with those intense brown eyes, almost black, you looked at me and I felt something in my heart. I started the procedures to take you home with me, the lady who took care of you warned me that you had suffered a lot, that you had run into very cruel people who had hurt you and almost disappeared your spirit. “

I am writing you this letter to say thank you, thank you for saving me from the darkness, thank you for filling my life with joy with your games and your ideas, how to hide socks and then play with them, thank you for making me see that it was not me who saved you life, but it was you who saved mine and gave me the opportunity to truly love. Dedicated to my great friend who one day filled my days with light and who now lights up the sky with his big intense brown eyes ”.

I don’t know where you will be; But I want you to know how much we miss you. We did the impossible to take care of you and love you, because you were part of us. If there is a heaven in the afterlife, surely God took you to have you next to him, for your kindness and affection, for the tender gaze of your little eyes that became increasingly sad. “

“I have very fresh memories of Friday night and Saturday morning. My intention was to have been all night caressing you, talking to you and crying by your side, but you were so calm, sleeping without pain, without convulsions, after so many days, that I preferred not to bother you. I still remember how before entering the clinic you said goodbye with a small regret, and that we had given you sedatives so that you could go calmly to that place you hated, the vet. Thank you for saying goodbye little brother “

Emotions and guilt in the letter to my adopted dog

There are many cases of owners who are surprised by the emotions they can feel when their canine pet dies. Feelings such as the memory of fidelity, guilt, grief, helplessness, etc., are common and we only remember that our dog was part of our life, our routine and our home.

We should not be ashamed of feeling pain and crying for a being who has been with us for so long, throughout his life. We have seen him grow since childhood, develop, etc. It is very positive in those moments to talk about our animal and how we feel about its absence with those people who understand us. The letter to my adopted dog can be very helpful in understanding the situation and accepting it.

The process that we will follow will be that of an emotional adjustment, after the loss of a loved one, and different emotions will manifest themselves, as well as various stages, such as denial (the phase in which we refuse to accept that our pet is gone and will never return), anger (with ourselves and with others, feelings such as rage, anger, anger, etc., when we realize that it has already happened, that it is true), the phase in which we blame ourselves for what happened, etc.

After these phases comes depression, in which we feel anguished, with fear, with a very great feeling of grief,  remembering our friend’s illness, if he had cancer, etc. We begin to be aware that the loss is irrevocable and that life goes on.

In the acceptance phase, we begin to feel ready to resume our lives in a calm way. It does not mean that we no longer think about them (somehow they will always be in our thinking), but that we can move on accepting the fact that they will never be by our side again.

Remember the good times in the letter to my adopted dog

dog beach in barcelona

Although it is not easy, we must not allow ourselves to be dominated by bitterness. It is those moments of great sadness, it is very positive to think about the days that we shared very pleasant situations with our dog, when we enjoyed his loyalty, and try to stay with those feelings, which have been many, and surely the good moments shared will always be there . With the passage of time, the gray feeling disappears.

Substitute one dog for another

It is not a good idea to replace a deceased dog with another. If you haven’t let time go by, it will be very difficult for you to appreciate the new partner, if you are still very hurt with the one who is no longer there. Each dog is unique, with a different personality and a very particular way of behaving. The time period is not the same in all cases, but the penalty will remit, sooner or later.

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