On The Island Of Cats They Asked For Food Donations And Received More Than They Could Save

On the island of cats they asked for food donations and received more than they could save

Can you imagine a place where there are more cats than people? Well, that place exists and is called Aoshima or Cat Island, the island of cats in Japan. According to the census on this island there are 6 cats for every human being. Amazing! It can be something nice to see, especially for those who are lovers of felines, although this massive number of animals must also cause inconveniences that are difficult to solve.

And that’s precisely what today’s story is about.

Problems arise on Cat Island, the island of cats

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For the inhabitants of this island it has never been a problem to have so much feline prowling around them and they are part of the community and of their lives.

That is why when due to climatic problems it was difficult to receive food, the inhabitants of the island worried about the welfare of the kittens as well as feared a feline revolution.

What would be the solution? Ask for outside help. The best way: Internet.

Cry for help for Cat Island

The problem with the food supply is that the islanders do not have stores in which to buy but each one gets his food mainly by fishing.

Due to the bad winter weather, it is very difficult to go out by boat to fish, so both the inhabitants of the island and the cats that are on it have nothing to eat.

Someone came up with the brilliant idea of ​​asking for help in a tweet that read: “Please send cat food in Aoshima.” And then they explained the reason that we have written above. Would you like to know the result?

Cat Island Donation Results

An Aoshima cat sitter’s request had enormous results, underscoring the fact that there are still thousands of animal lovers willing to help them when they need it.

After sending the tweet asking for help, it was a few days before Cat Island was flooded with boxes from all the places with food. So much so that another tweet had to be published: “Please stop sending food, we have nowhere to store it and it will cover the needs until April.”

The hearts of many were touched by helping these animals and the food shipments were more than needed. There wasn’t even room on the island to store everything anymore.

Where did the cats on Cat Island come from?

On this island several years ago its inhabitants were dedicated to raising silkworms. These worms attracted mice, forming a plague that was obviously not to the liking of the islanders, so who better than cats to kill them?

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Each neighbor adopted one or two cats that ended up with the mice that lived in and around their house and they joined with others and were having young children. This is how the island soon became the island of cats.

Due to the help received by these animals so that the families could survive, they were highly valued and the owners, beyond throwing them off the island when they no longer needed them to undertake other trades, took care of them and allowed them to live with them.

Over time, many of the islanders migrated to other places and there were fewer and fewer people on the island and… more cats! Getting to be known like this by Cat Island or the island of cats, where felines are cared for, loved, revered and treated almost like gods.

Proof of this was the effort to get them food when they needed it.

This peculiar island has generated a lot of tourism as expected, but a tourism in which it is not allowed to overwhelm or much less harm cats, which is punishable by law.

An idyllic place for cats like no other in the world and loved by cat lovers just as the story we have told you has shown.

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