Periodontitis In Cats, Essential To Prevent It

Periodontitis in cats, essential to prevent it

A scratch is worth it, of course, as long as the result helps prevent periodontitis in cats. Brushing them is not an easy task, but protecting oral health will have its rewards, and that is that plaque, tartar, and bacteria affect felines. Their gums retract, teeth separate and bacterial infections attack, which put our pet’s health at risk.

Bacterial plaque

Minerals from saliva are added to the plaque formed by bacteria to make way for tartar. These bacteria reach the gums and inflame them, causing gingivitis ; then they become inflamed and destroy the supporting tissue of the tooth, which falls out, and periodontitis arises .

The combination of both is known as periodontal disease and the bacteria associated with it can travel through the bloodstream  to the heart, kidneys and liver.

Thus, periodontitis is a discreet disease  that progresses silently. At the first symptom of the animal in terms of bad breath, drooling, red gums with pus or blood, you have to act. If some teeth have fallen out or shows reluctance to eat, touches the mouth with the paw, has a runny nose or swollen face, a visit to the vet is mandatory.

Cat showing its teeth

Periodontitis in cats is life threatening and affects more than 80% of adults. In some cases it can also appear at an early age. It causes severe pain and in an advanced state the only solution is to remove the teeth to stop infections in the mouth and throat.

Periodontitis in cats, how to avoid it

Avoiding that suffering for them is by respecting the annual visits to the vet and dental cleanings. Unlike gingivitis, which is curable under strict care, periodontal disease is not, and treating it requires antibiotics and analgesics to alleviate the pain of extraction.

When it is very advanced, detecting periodontitis involves a thorough veterinary examination performed under anesthesia. A dental probe allows the specialist to take X-rays that reveal bone loss around each tooth, and additionally, abscess formation and other dental problems will be analyzed.

The loss of the supporting structures around the teeth is usually irreversible. This entails the use of antibiotics and making decisions such as extracting teeth to protect the life of the pet, hence the importance of prevention in all aspects.

Cats eat up to 20 times a day, always in small amounts, so the risk of plaque and tartar formation is permanent. The daily diet, therefore, plays an important role in prevention, since in addition to being nutritious, it must reduce the presence of bacteria.

Treats and vitamins

Some treats help keep plaque and tartar away. There are croquettes that exert an abrasive action on the tooth when the cat chews them, and there are others that include ingredients to prevent the mineralization of tartar through saliva.

Phosphorylated vitamin C keeps plaque and tartar away. This captures calcium from saliva and prevents it from sticking to the tooth and then releases it into the digestive tract, helping to build strong bones. Green tea polyphenoids, with antibacterial effect in the mouth, stop plaque and halitosis.

Cat with a toothbrush

Brushing teeth prevents periodontitis in cats

Brushing your teeth becomes a daily obligation, so you have to get used to them from a young age. The advantage is that it removes plaque before it becomes tartar and prevents periodontitis in cats.

Supported by the different options of chicken, malt or seafood flavored toothpaste for pets,  a correct brushing can be achieved. Toothpaste for humans should never be used, as some substances of which they are composed should not be swallowed by felines.

However, stay calm  if the cat objects to brushing, scratches and runs away, as all is not lost. Mouthwash solutions for pets attack the bacteria responsible for gingivitis and periodontitis, and some come ready to be placed in the cat’s drinking water, where they go unnoticed.

Caring for cats at home will always be rewarded with the affection and tenderness of these pets. Do not forget that their needs, in addition to caresses, expressions of love and protection, go through proper hygiene that is a priority at any cost, despite possible scratches.

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