Pigeons As Pets

Pigeons as pets

People no longer just dare to have cats and dogs. Adopting birds is a trend that is gaining more followers every day. And those interested are not only left with the classic parrot. Keeping pigeons as pets is becoming fashionable.

We are not talking about such a simple matter, and future owners should learn a lot about this animal before venturing out. Illness, behavior, and training are issues that must be handled with care.

However, this is a widely used possibility. We will explain below some things to know when keeping pigeons as pets.

Some general information to start

Pigeons are remarkably intelligent animals, with great vision and early independence, from a young age. They can have interaction with the man, although in a limited way.

A dove on a hand

This species of birds is usually very free and they need space to move on the ground, fly or reproduce. Their nervous system is quite sensitive, which is why they are very noticeable animals and can easily enter a state of stress.

The fact is, adopting or raising them is a huge responsibility. Their owners must commit to covering all needs and being considerate of their way of living and socializing.

Ecosystem and food

Whether we keep them indoors or outdoors, the right thing to do is to provide enough space for our pigeon. In this sense, it is essential to incorporate cages large and spacious enough so that they do not feel confined.

Beyond this , it is important to let them out in the garden to fly for a while. The training, food and toys that we buy will help them stay with us.

In addition, their diet is quite varied, although the central thing in it are the seeds and grains. Wheat, rice, bread crumbs, pieces of fresh vegetables, watercress, spinach, etc. They also eat some fruits like oranges or grapes and, of course, worms.

An animal that needs extra protection

Something that we must bear in mind is that pigeons have several natural predators, such as cats and dogs themselves. For this reason, we cannot let the bird spend the night glued to the grids of its cage, or it could at least be injured.

In any case, the correct thing to do is to place a cover at night. The cage should be out of reach of other animals and, if possible, it is best to spend the night in a closed space.

To tell the truth, this is a pet that needs protection, vigilance and a lot of care. The biggest problem is not that it escapes, but that it is prevented from doing any physical harm by other animals when it cannot even fly.

Pigeons as pets : from a health perspective

Pigeons in the wild are possible carriers of up to 40 diseases transmissible to humans. Salmonella, ticks, and a host of infectious agents can harbor their feathers, beak, and droppings.

However, only people with very low defensive levels could be affected. Young children, older adults, people with HIV and cancer patients should avoid keeping this animal as a pet.

In any case, the vital thing is to make regular visits to the vet from their earliest ages. In this way, we can learn a little more about the conditions and precautions that we must have.

Pigeons supported

Colombofilia: the art of training a carrier pigeon

One of the reasons why some people keep pigeons as pets is the fact that they can train them as carrier birds. There are many training methods, as is the case, for example, with dogs.

As in all animals, food plays a central role in training. Experts in the field establish that it is important to whistle to the pigeon when we feed it, in order for it to get used to our whistling.

If we want to start our pet in this activity , the right thing to do is to start early, when it is just a pigeon. The good news is that this training will help to strengthen the relationship and reduce the chances that it will run away.

And there are many things that we must explore about these animals. The way they reproduce, their monogamy, the way they fly, etc. The most comforting thing is knowing that if you take care of them, they will be able to live and accompany us for up to 10 years. Keeping pigeons as pets is not a bad idea, if we are dedicated and careful.

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