Raju, The Elephant Cried After Being Rescued By An NGO

Raju, the elephant cried after being rescued by an NGO 

We are very sorry to tell you this story, but we hope that for all those animals that are abused and denigrated this ending will serve as a precedent and that everyone can have the same happy ending. Today we will tell you about Raju, the elephant who had a difficult life.

Raju, the elephant. His story

Raju, the elephant was born and raised in India, but shortly after birth he was separated from his mother by poachers from this same country. Elephants are a highly recognized asset in the Asian state for being used as attractions and for the value of some parts of their body.

Therefore, after being separated from its mother, Raju, the elephant was sold to the highest bidder and was thus passed from hand to hand until it had a whopping 26 owners. This poor elephant was not born with a star, because it is difficult that among 26 owners there were none who treated him in a minimally dignified way.

The treatment Raju received

To which worse. Raju, the elephant was used for various tasks: as an attraction, as a transport, as an amulet, as a photographic model… and countless other humiliations.

None of the owners he had for a whopping 50 years offered him hygienic care and some even minimal food.

In fact, the last owner didn’t care about that. He saw Raju the elephant as a money-making machine that did not need to be invested in even to keep him alive. Poor Raju survived thanks to the food that tourists gave him. What sadness, my heart sinks!

Not content with this, this “gentleman” had him tied with chains that caused deep wounds to his ankles and he had no place to shelter at night. The hairs on his tail had been plucked out to be sold as a charm.

And finally his situation reached the right ears

Raju, elefante maltratado
Source: www.stopalmaltratoanimal.com

The Raju situation reached the ears of the NGO Wildlife SOS who did not sit idly by and quickly traveled to India to find out what was happening.

Luckily its owner was just as careless with the legal as he was with Raju’s care. He did not have a single paper that proved that Raju, the elephant, was his property, so added to the precarious conditions in which the animal lived, it was not difficult for the judge to give immediate authorization to remove the pachyderm.

And the tears came …

It was not easy, as the “lord” who had the animal resisted and even yelled at Raju to make him become violent. We don’t know what went through Raju’s head, he was surprisingly still, maybe he knew that something better awaited him.

The efforts of this man did not matter because they did not take the animal, a team of experts and policemen rescued Raju at night to prevent the poor man from being exposed to the harsh rays of the sun.

According to Wildlife SOS spokesperson, Raju the elephant was crying with joy as he was released. Fifty years in shackles almost made him forget what it is to walk in freedom.

The scene was very emotional as we show you below in the video that was recorded on that occasion. Her tears would not stop falling, it was something uncontrollable. Poor! At last his new life began …

He was taken along with other elephants where he was very well received and where Raju felt like in a dream from which he did not want to wake up. Keep dreaming friend, nobody will wake you up.

He received the necessary medical care and food on a daily basis, so Raju the elephant made a wonderful recovery. It took a lot of funds that Wildlife raised thanks to generous animal lovers.

Something to remember

We understand that your nerves have been on fire and that your blood has started to boil against the owners that Raju passed through. But there is a subliminal message in this story.

If they used Raju as an attraction, it is because there were those who paid for it.

If they used it as transportation, it’s because someone was paying for it.

If they sold their tail hairs as a charm, it is because they paid for it.

A good listener, few words are enough. Don’t pay to have an animal mistreated.

Photo source: www.stopalmaltratoanimal.com

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