Tales About Cats

Either on the internet or going to a bookstore, these stories about cats can be very enriching for the little ones, since many of the plots leave a message or moral from which children can learn
Tales about cats

After dogs, kittens are the most popular pets in the world of household pets. About them there are many popular stories, fables and tales. Among humans, and since time immemorial, stories, stories, fables and legends about small cats also circulate frequently. In addition, stories about cats are among the favorites of many children.

Where to find stories about cats?

The Internet is full of stories from practically all literary genres, starring cats. With so much to choose from, the stakes of finding some questionable writing are high.

But really well-crafted works can be found on the net, and also in popular wisdom . They are stories about cats that are ideal to share with the little ones in the house to help them fall asleep.

Tales about cats

Here are some suggestions:

The cat who didn’t know it was a cat

This is a story that appeals to humor to narrate the skills of a small feline who does not know his place in the world. Pepe, the main character, has no idea that he is a cat. You will finally find out after trying unsuccessfully to be human, crow, squirrel, pig or bull.

The cat who did not know it was a cat is an ideal story for curious children who go through the age in which they ask about everything,  little ones as curious as the cats themselves are.

The cat who dreamed of reaching the moon

The fascination and influence that the moon exerts on living beings on Earth has been a subject of study since the origins of mankind. Literature has never been able to resist its charms. Beyond the legendary werewolves, the nights of the full moon have served as the setting for thousands of stories of all kinds.

The cat that dreamed of reaching the moon starts from the eternal human longing to be able to touch this magical light that emanates from the sky with its tenacious whiteness, which is imposed on the darkness of the night. A story that talks about dreams and not giving them up for an ordinary life. Only dreamers can achieve extraordinary things.

The Sleepy Cat

The ability to sleep  for hours and hours that these little pets have has always piqued the interest of their owners. How is it that they can spend so many hours just lying down and dreaming? Are they tired? Of doing what?

These are the questions that this little cat fable initially seeks to answer. Little by little the answers are shown and it is discovered why the protagonist of the story sleeps all day, lying on the sofa; a clear message remains. Friends are always there to take care of themselves.

The cat and his friends

With marked didactic interest, this story seeks to highlight values ​​such as friendship, solidarity and companionship. The main message focuses on respect that must prevail at all times. and this no matter how different the members of a group of friends may be.

A lonely cat

This is a little Argentine fable that revolves around a ‘classic’ question: can’t a dog and a cat get along? In this story they are not, in principle, the best of friends. Based on consideration and respect, the apparently irreconcilable differences end up being very enriching.

The cat with boots

You cannot talk about stories about cats and ignore this popular European tale. Beyond its enormous fame, Puss in Boots  has its detractors and enthusiastic fans alike.

Puss in Boots: Movie

The controversy centers on the fact that the protagonist clearly exhibits a sense of morality that is a bit dubious; little by little concepts and values ​​are understood.

In fact, one of the most frequent interpretations this story receives is: “deception is the fastest way to success.” This is a final message that may be one of the origins of the fame of ‘liars’ that cats enjoy among a certain group of people.

On the other hand, there are those who consider that it is simply a very funny story. In any case, its reading can be taken to carry out an analysis exercise between parents and children.

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