The 4 Most Common Diseases In Rabbits

Know the most common diseases that rabbits can suffer
The 4 most common diseases in rabbits

The rabbit, as a companion animal, does not usually live with other animals of the same species. Therefore, they do not tend to suffer from the most common serious diseases of rabbits.

In most cases, rabbits have problems derived from an incorrect diet or congenital problems, such as malocclusion.

In factory rabbit farms and in households where multiple individuals live who also have access to the outdoors, the prevalence of these common rabbit diseases is higher.

Most common diseases in rabbits: pasteurellosis

Pasteurellosis is one of the most common bacterial diseases in rabbits, as well as being highly contagious. It usually occurs in places where many rabbits live, such as hatcheries. Sick animals must be quarantined to avoid contagion to other animals and humans, as it is a zoonotic disease.

Mainly, it presents with a respiratory picture, so the animal suffers symptoms such as:

  • Mucopurulent nasal discharge.
  • Breathing noises
  • Respiratory difficulty frequently associated with conjunctivitis.
  • Pneumonia.

The bacterium that causes this disease is Pasteurella multocida . However, other pathogens such as Bordetella bronchiseptica are often involved , and even other organisms such as pseudomonas or staphylococci that aggravate the disease.

Sometimes the bacteria do not affect the respiratory system. It damages other organs producing other symptoms and pathologies:

  • Otitis media and torticollis.
  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Pericarditis
  • Subcutaneous abscesses or internal organs.
  • Reproductive tract involvement: metritis and orchitis.
  • Septicemia.

It is not common to vaccinate a pet against pasteurellosis, since the chances of contagion are almost zero. However, in rabbit farms, a vaccination plan must be carried out to avoid the appearance of this disease.

Checking for most common diseases in rabbits

Staph infections

The Staphylococcus is a genus of gram-positive bacteria living on the skin of mammals and birds. When they are here, they are not a problem; on the contrary, they are part of the natural flora of the skin. However, when deep wounds appear in the skin and this barrier is broken, staph can enter.

The aggressive behavior that males have towards each other, and the wounds that are produced, favor the appearance of staphylococcal infections.

The most common infection is caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus . Its toxins can cause different symptoms and conditions, and even end the life of the animal:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Damage to the epidermis and dermis.
  • Appearance of boils.
  • Bullous impetigo
  • Endocarditis or inflation of the endocardiums.

Staphylococci cause more common diseases in rabbits

Rabbits affected by this disease are also characterized by the presence of pockets of pus encapsulated in the connective tissue. These foci are located in the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the head, chest and joints, as well as in the tail.

Common diseases in rabbits: viral

The most common viral diseases in rabbits, and of which we can find a vaccination plan in our veterinarian, are the following:


Myxomatosis is a very common disease in rabbits caused by a poxvirus. Likewise, it is very contagious, as it can be transmitted by direct contact, by transport by dust or air, by semen or by vectors such as fleas and mosquitoes.

Rabbit with myxomatosis

After approximately a week or more of incubation, lesions called myxomas appear on the ears, nose, mouth, eyelids and genital region of the rabbit. The animal ends up dying of pneumonia, due to the appearance of secondary infections.

Viral hemorrhagic disease

The viral hemorrhagic disease affects almost exclusively rabbits over two months of age. The incubation period is very short, one to three days. After this period, the respiratory rate of the rabbits increases, as does the body temperature. Later, the seizures that precede death begin. On certain occasions, epistaxis or nasal bleeding may be observed.

To prevent this disease, there are vaccines. In addition, this same vaccine can be used to reduce the chances of death if an affected animal is detected early.

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