The 8 Oldest Animals In The World

The 8 oldest animals in the world

Modern human beings, thanks to the fact that we transform the environment in our favor, technological development and advances in medicine, which have allowed us to fight (even eradicate) against numerous diseases, whether they are the product of bacteria, viruses or congenital diseases, we have a life expectancy of around 85 years. For animals like mosquitoes or butterflies that live for only a few days, this can be an eternity. However, there are others for whom that would just be a blink of an eye. Here we bring you the list of 8 of the oldest animals in the world :


Crocodiles are semi-aquatic reptiles that are divided into 14 species, they appeared approximately 55 million years ago, being true living dinosaurs. Its size varies greatly depending on the species and the age of each individual, being the saltwater crocodiles the largest, being able to reach 8 meters in length. Their life expectancy is similar to ours, around 80 years.


Elephants are huge animals, the African elephant is the largest land mammal on the planet. They are also attributed great intelligence, their brain weighs approximately 5 kilos. They are social beings that live in family groups. Their average lifespan, like that of the crocodile, is around 80 years, although it is estimated that under exceptional conditions they can reach 90 years.

African Gray Parrot

loro gris africano

This is a class of parrot from Africa. It has become very popular in recent decades, especially for its intelligence, memory and ability to repeat words. They are characterized by their black bill, gray plumage, and red tail. They normally live between 70 and 90 years, although cases of specimens that have reached 100 years have been reported.

Galapagos tortoise

This is a kind of giant tortoise.  In addition to being the largest species of turtle on the planet, measuring one and a half meters in length, they are the longest-lived terrestrial vertebrate animal, exceeding 100 years. The giant tortoise that lived the longest, or at least for which data are available, reached 152 years.

Red hedgehog

Red urchins are a class of urchins that live in the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The name comes from their striking coloration and can be found in shallow water, usually 90 meters from the surface.  They do not usually exceed 30 years of life, mainly due to predation or changes in their environment. However, specimens up to 200 years old have been found.

Greenland whale


This cetacean is the last living of the genus of the Whale. It can reach 18 meters in length and weigh up to 100 tons. Previously, their life expectancy was considered to be 60 years, but in the 1990s specimens of these whales were found alive with the remains of harpoons made of ivory embedded in their bodies, which led to a new study to determine their life expectancy. . Through the study of the eye structures of various Greenland whales, it was concluded that some individuals had lived between 150 and 200 years.

Vitreous sponges

Known as Hexactinellids, they are sponges that live in deep waters, between 200 and 2,000 meters deep. Those that live in icy waters, especially Antarctic ones, have an exceptionally slow growth process due to the low temperatures, which also make them very long-lived. A specimen of this species was found that is estimated to be at least 6,000 years old, being the oldest discovered animal on earth.

Turritopsis nutricula

They are a species of tiny jellyfish native to the Caribbean Sea, although they have spread throughout the world. The main characteristic of this jellyfish is that they have developed a unique reproductive system in which they can go from a stage of sexual maturity to one of immaturity, avoiding the wear and tear of their systems and being biologically immortal. This process has been widely observed and studied in laboratories, although this class of animals usually die victims of predators or diseases. However, in an environment free from these threats, it is said that they could live forever.

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