The Best Known Migratory Bird: The Swallow

It is a very adaptable species, hence it can live in cities, although it is true that it prefers agricultural areas or close to a river; travel in a group in order to protect themselves from predators
The best known migratory bird: the swallow

The swallow is that animal that perches on our balconies, that makes its nests in our houses and that goes from one place to another in our cities. It is a very common and rare animal as a pet, but we want to know more about it. We give you some clues about it.

Although it is not common to have it as a pet, this bird has been extensively studied to unravel the secrets of bird reproduction, as well as migration processes.

What to know about the swallow


It measures between 16 and 20 centimeters long, although when it opens its wings it can reach about 35 centimeters in width. Its weight is between 15 and 25 grams, measurements that show that it is a very small animal.

The color of its plumage is a metallic blue, almost black, that shines in the distance. The characteristic red color of his chin and the even more blue tone of his head are really attractive. The females do not differ much from the males, only in that their feathers are shorter and their abdomen has a paler hue.


The swallow is a very adaptable animal , as shown by the way it has found to live with man; in certain facets that interest her and that the man does not get in the way.

Swallow: habitat

Even so, it does not like the areas of vast vegetation, but the open fields, agricultural land and places where a river or lake passes nearby. It will be rare to see specimens on steep, stony terrain or in highly urbanized cities. Everything seems to indicate that these birds do not like crowds, whether natural or artificial.

They are migratory, and their areas to live are centered in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and South America ; there is evidence that there are some specimens in New Guinea.

The migration of the swallow

They do not like solitude, so they migrate in groups, whether large or small. It is a way to protect yourself from predators and to ensure company where they arrive.

Swallow migrations begin in September and last for about two months. It is estimated that a swallow can travel about 71,000 kilometers a year. Their song is the greatest sign that they have returned to their winter lands. Let’s see what is distinctive about this bird.

His song

The song of the swallows is one of the most beautiful known. In fact, there are few poems dedicated to him. A chatter mixed with harmonious chords and a somewhat abrupt ending, but which does nothing more than put an end to a beautiful show.

Swallow: characteristics

The behavior of the swallow

Although much of what we have talked about already has a lot to do with their behavior, we want to talk a little more carefully about their way of life.

For example, how courtship is carried out. This bird is faithful to a partner throughout its life, although it is curious that the male must earn the respect of the female throughout the relationship. They will always need to be of the appropriate weight, provide food for the family, and have bright, intense colors and plumage. All this so that they do not get ‘horns’.

The laying of eggs does not exceed the number of six, of which not all survive; feeding them is not a problem, as they have special abilities to hunt large numbers of worms and insects in one go. It is believed that a clutch may need more than a kilo of worms and insects per day. Three weeks after being born, the new bird will leave the nest and begin learning to fly.

A curious bird that has been worth knowing a little more in depth, don’t you think?

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