The Complaint For Abandonment Of Animals

As citizens and animal lovers, we all can and must make our contribution to the fight against animal abuse; thinking about it, here we analyze why and how we should act in a situation of abandonment of animals
The complaint for abandonment of animals

The abandonment of animals in Spain continues to rise, and it is one of the European countries with the largest population of animals in shelters. It is a type of animal abuse that is punishable by Spanish law, but to eradicate it, society needs to get involved and report it.

Abandonment of animals: the sad reality of Spain

Every year the Affinity Foundation conducts a study on the adoption and abandonment of animals. The results of the 2018 investigation, shared through this infographic, suggest that the number of abandoned animals in Spain has increased during 2017.

In that year alone, 2017, more than 138,000 companion animals have been collected from the Spanish streets, mostly dogs and cats that were registered in shelters.

To these data is added the information provided by the National Institute of Statistics; These data indicate that about 1.7% of dogs and 1% of cats in the Iberian Peninsula were victims of abandonment or loss in 2017.

This explains why Spain ‘stands out’ in the context of the EU when it comes to abandonment, since more than 400,000 animals have been lost or rescued from the streets until 2018.

It must be taken into account that the statistics only reach animals that managed to be rescued or whose families have formalized the report of loss; in reality, the actual figures could be even more alarming.

Abandonment of animals

Abandonment is a form of animal abuse: go ahead and report it!

There is still no framework law at the global level that determines with total clarity what is animal abuse, or what and how many are all the forms of mistreating an animal. The penalties that should be applied in each context that violate the essential principles of animal welfare are unclear.

At present, the sanctions applicable to offenders depend on the legislation in force in each country or autonomous community. But, fortunately, the abandonment of animals is considered a punishable form of abuse in Spain, Argentina, Mexico, Chile and many other countries.

Therefore, it is essential that we all commit ourselves when reporting the abandonment of animals ; it is about alerting the authorities and contributing to the eradication of all forms of animal abuse.

Sanctions applicable to the abandonment of animals in Spain

All communities have regulated stricter administrative penalties for those who abandon their pets. In the Community of Madrid the fines can reach 45,000 euros, in Murcia they reach up to 30,000 euros and in Catalonia they can vary from 2,000 to 20,000 euros.

Regarding criminal sanctions, the Spanish Civil Code determines that mistreatment and abandonment of animals in dangerous or unhealthy conditions can lead to custodial sentences of up to one year. In addition, professionals, businesses and institutions dedicated to the care of animals can be disqualified from practicing their profession for one to three years.

Canine abandonment

How to report animal abandonment?

The process for reporting the abandonment of animals is identical to that for reporting abuse. You can report it in person to the competent authorities of each country or by phone.

In Spain you can make a complaint in person by going to the police, a court, the town hall, the Civil Guard or the municipal police. After concluding the declaration, it is always advisable to request the settlement of the complaint in writing. If possible, add photos, videos or testimonials to your statement that prove the abandonment.

Numbers to report by telephone in abandonment of animals

When you witness a situation of abandonment of animals, you can make a complaint immediately by phone. Next, we list the numbers to report animal abuse in Spain, Argentina and Mexico.


  • Emergencies (pets): 112
  • SEPRONA (wild animals): 062


  • Emergencies: 911
  • Argentine National Gendarmerie: 4310-2589
  • Orientation and complaint units: 4011-1400
  • Public Prosecutor’s Office of the City of Buenos Aires: 0800-333-47225 or through the website


  • Animal Surveillance Brigade: 5208-9898
  • Environmental Attorney and Territorial Planning: 5265-0780

If possible, try to report some information about the person or institution to which it is reported. For example, the name, address, patent, model and color of the car in case of witnessing the abandonment on the streets or highways. And, remember, stay calm and be objective to formalize the report quickly and effectively.

Also, if you are interested in helping to combat the abandonment of animals, consider collaborating with the protectors and shelters in your city. If you do not have the possibility of making donations, you can also join as a volunteer and help promote the campaigns for responsible adoption, mass castration and the fight against animal abuse.

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