The Importance Of Feeding In The Development Of The Puppy

The importance of food in the development of the puppy

Food is one of the most important factors in the growth of a puppy, as it is directly related to the way it will develop. Although an inadequate diet is usually linked to a lack of nutrients in the puppy’s diet, excess or overfeeding can also cause difficulties. Here are some brief tips on the importance of food in the development of the puppy.

The first year of a puppy’s life is very important, as it is the time when he learns and acquires the skills that will lead him to be a balanced adult. Your body is also strengthened at this stage, and this is achieved through diet, immunization, exercise, and exposure. That is why a poor diet can lead to the alteration and interruption of normal growth processes, the main problems being related to the consumption of calories, protein or calcium.

Inadequate calorie intake

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It is known to all that puppies have a greater need for energy. However, this does not mean that they should consume an excessive amount of calories. Adult dogs often store excess calories as a store of fat. However, in puppies and young dogs, this kind of diet will produce rapid growth, due to the excess energy that the puppy cannot burn.

Therefore, as the growth process accelerates, there will be an over-stimulation in the bones, muscles and joints, degenerating into pathologies such as osteoarthritis, muscle tension or bone problems such as hip dysplasia.

Similarly, puppies that grow very fast have a tendency to obesity, generated mainly by overfeeding. This causes the skeleton (which is still immature) to not be able to with the extra weight of the puppy, stunting its proper growth and degenerating its skeletal-muscular system.

Calcium intake

Puppies have a high need for calcium, especially in the post-weaning stages (between 2 and 5 months). This in order for them to develop and mature the newly formed cartilage tissue. The consumption of calcium and phosphorus in puppies should be monitored, since their intake should be done according to their size, being large and giant breed dogs, those who have more consumption needs.

Inadequate calcium intake is directly related to damage to the animal’s bone system, as well as growth disorders. For example, low calcium intake can lead to brittle bones, demineralization of cartilage, and deformations in both. However, excessive consumption of calcium can hypercalcify them, which will also lead to joint and bone problems, such as the solidification of cartilage or the instability of the vertebrae.

Protein intake

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It is not proven that excessive protein consumption causes problems with the development of the body of puppies, but it is presumed that it can do so. However, it has been proven that low or absolute protein deficiency can be harmful to puppies, as it affects the growth of dogs and their structural development. It also affects other parts of the body such as the cardiovascular system, skin and coat.

Feed it at home or with feed

Industrial food (whether wet or dry) has the advantage that it is designed specifically for dogs, limiting the consumption of salt, excess calories and fat. In addition, they are good for regulating your body and are beneficial for the teeth and digestion of the puppy. However, if the owner decides to feed his puppy at home, he can also do so without causing any kind of harm to the animal.

This has the advantage of being able to control what the puppy consumes, but care must be taken to neglect the intake of calories, fat or giving him any kind of food that may be harmful to his body.

In general, when looking for a diet for a puppy, you should opt for low calorie foods rich in protein and calcium. You should try not to give him vitamins unless there is a recommendation from the veterinarian and to be advised as to the specific nutritional needs of each stage of our dog and its breed.

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