Things You Didn’t Know About Your Dogs

Things you didn't know about your dogs

The dog is man’s best friend. We hear that phrase many times, but how many times do we hear that man is the dog’s best friend? And it is that surely our faithful friend knows us much more than we know them. The most beautiful and important quality of this pet is the loyalty and friendship that dogs feel towards us.

They know all our steps, schedules, movements, but we know little about them. So we make you a proposal, and it is to know things that you did not know about your dogs.

Things you didn’t know about your dogs, friendship

Do you know how long friendship has existed between dogs and man? There are scientists who claim that this close relationship has been going on for 15 thousand years. A clear example is that different cultures have always considered the dog as a sacred animal. If we look at the Egyptian papyri or hieroglyphics , they represented many of their dog-headed gods.

Nowadays they have become one more member of the family to be cared for, pampered or cared for and they always thank us with their affection and loyalty. It has been shown that families that have dogs at home are happier and are of great help in situations of illness.

How far your nose can go

olfato perro

The olfactory capacity of dogs is known to all, they have such a faculty that they are able to detect with their smell that we have some disease such as cancer, diabetes and even epilepsy, since they can even smell a diseased cell. Studies have been done and it was shown that a dog detected a seizure of epilepsy minutes before.

All this is due to the fact that a dog’s nose has at least 220 million smell receptors, compared to that of a man who has 5 million. Although unfortunately, our dogs can also suffer from these diseases and even we can infect them with some.

Jealousy and guilt

Dogs have been known to be jealous, thanks to a study where it was perceived that when one dog received treats or games and the other did not, it became agitated and scratched, in addition to not looking at the other dog. It also happens when the owner pays more attention to something else or to another dog, they feel jealous, although there is usually no aggressiveness.

But believe it or not , the dog does not feel guilt, when we scold him for something and he looks at us with that little face and those eyes, it is not because he feels guilty, it is just a response to scolding. So it is a false myth and it is something invented by man, who does feel guilty when he fights or punishes his dog.

More things you didn’t know about your dogs


A scientific study has shown that we are not so different from dogs, since it has been proven that humans share 75% of the genetic code with respect to dogs.

The smallest breed of dog is the Chihuahua and the largest is the Great Dane, the Chow Chow is the only dog ​​with a blue tongue and the fastest is the Greyhound, being able to run up to 71 kilometers per hour. The Tibetan terrier can live to be 20 years old. Finally, the border collie is the most intelligent dog.

We all know that male dogs raise their back legs to urinate, they do it to urinate as high as possible, in order to make other dogs believe that whoever urinated there is bigger than him.

A dog has 42 teeth and, like humans, their milk teeth fall out and renew, but no one sees them anywhere. And it is that they drop while they eat and are usually ingested with food, although they are later expelled.

Did you know that female dogs can give birth to up to 19 puppies ? That’s right, there has even been a dog that gave birth to 23 puppies.

The Doberman breed was created by Louis Doberman to defend himself against people, he was a tax collector and received attacks from the people he was going to charge.

The olfactory capacity of dogs is known by all, but they also have a great hearing capacity, they are capable of hearing sounds, at a distance of up to 230 meters.

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