This Dog Met Pampering After 2 Years Of Being Chained

This dog met pampering after 2 years of being chained

If you see the current image of Violet, playing with a stuffed animal or happy to go for a walk in a natural environment, you may find it difficult to believe that this dog knew pampering and good treatment after spending 2 years in chains. Now the animal is waiting for someone to decide to adopt it in a shelter in New Mexico, USA.

Meet Violet, the hairy girl who spent two years in chains

Source: NMDOG facebook

Violet was rescued, along with 5 other dogs in the same situation of abandonment and submission, at the end of last year. The animals were tied up in the open on a San Miguel County property.

The volunteers of the NMDOG organization arrived there, after the complaint of a woman who noticed the situation. This entity specializes in helping dogs that spend their days in chains.

But in the case of these furry ones, the situation was even worse. The person responsible for taking care of them had been imprisoned. And the animals were tied up and without access to food.

Since it is illegal in this county to keep animals on chains if the owners are not present, the volunteers managed to take them into custody with the help of the local sheriff and another organization that helps abandoned pets and that operates in the area.

Thanks to those who rescued her, the dog finally met pampering

From what the NMDOG members could determine, Violet is about 2 years old. So it can be affirmed that, until the moment of his rescue, he spent a good part of his life carrying a thick chain secured to his neck with a heavy padlock.

The hairy one and her captive companions had to receive immediate veterinary attention. Violet had sunburns on much of her body. But in addition, he had a serious infestation with fly larvae on his skin.

But beyond her poor physical conditions, let’s not forget that this dog first met pampering when she was rescued. That is why he also had to learn to lose fear and begin to  trust human beings.

For example, when someone made sudden movements with their hands near her, she would snuggle up because she thought they were going to hit her. But it has responded well to the efforts to re-socialize it by the people of this non-profit organization.

Violet is waiting to be adopted

Currently, Violet looks healthy and quite happy with her new life. Her NMDOG caregivers hope that a family will decide to adopt her.

While waiting for this new opportunity, the dog gains confidence in the shelter. He plays with his stuffed animal and enjoys walks in the parks.

Those who welcome Violet into their home should know that it must be preserved from the sun’s rays most of the time. She has already suffered enough burns caused by the star king in the time she spent chained to the elements.

And it goes without saying that good treatment and the responsibility of providing the necessary care are imposed on all those who decide to have a dog.

For a world without chains or mistreatment

Source: NMDOG facebook

Angela Stell, the director of MNDOG, is confident that Violet will be able to leave her past of abuse and chains behind and enjoy the life that every pet deserves to have with a human family that loves and protects her.

This organization has been working since 2011 with the main objective of rescuing chained animals, healing them in body and soul and finding them a good home. They are based in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

We hope that many dogs like Violet, who suffer this terrible situation in different parts of the world, have the possibility of being released and have a second chance.

Source of the photos Facebook NMDOG

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