Tips If Your Dog Spends A Lot Of Time Alone

If your dog suffers loneliness in your home, you must try by all means to minimize the effect that your absence can cause; at least, leave toys, put music on and have a family member visit throughout the day
Tips if your dog spends a lot of time alone

That an animal spends a lot of time alone at home can lead to it having aggressive, destructive behaviors or even depression or stress. If your dog spends a lot of time alone, perhaps because your circumstances have changed, we give you some tips to make the stay in solitude more pleasant.

Does your dog spend a lot of time alone?

It is possible that when you adopted your dog, you did not think that he should spend a lot of time alone, but now your circumstances have changed, perhaps due to a job change or any other reason, and the animal spends many hours at home without company.

It is normal that you may exhibit behaviors that you have never had before or that you feel ashamed or stressed. Although it is best to talk to your vet if this persists, there are several things you can do to help your pet cope better with loneliness.

Let me have visitors

We all have a family member or friend with a large part of the day off. Leave him some keys to your house and allow him to visit your pet from time to time. You could just stay with her for a few minutes and pamper her or take her out for a walk.

No one may be able to do this every day, but doing it a few times a week will make the loneliness easier for your pet.

Don’t leave him his usual toys

Animals get bored very quickly with the toys they have, so if when they are left alone at home they still have them, they will get bored and they will not be of much use to them.

Loneliness in dogs

To prevent this from happening, leave only two or three toys available each day so that he can take turns with them and they will always seem like a novelty. If he doesn’t already have it, buy him a kong that will stimulate his mind and allow him to be entertained for a long time trying to get a reward.

Don’t make him feel like he’s in a cage

There are those who leave their dog alone at home in a closed room or in a room of the house but with the rest of the doors closed. This can give you the impression of being cloistered and will not do your spirits good.

Leave doors open and get out of the way anything you think might harm. Open the curtains and even the windows and allow it to go out to the balcony or terrace if you have it and you have it well secured. This will also make your stay alone more enjoyable.

Put music on

You already know that music has great benefits for our pets and there are even music channels specially designed for them. The same happens with television, because there are channels such as Dog Tv in which you will see other dogs and activities that will make you spend the hours in an entertaining way.

Music for dogs left alone

It is not necessary that the sound of the radio, nor of the television, is very high; it is enough for a slight murmur to sound that it overwhelms the house and makes you feel less alone and more relaxed. Test it!

Stimulates their sense of smell

You already know that when dogs smell something they don’t stop until they figure out what it is. If you hide some pieces of food in different corners of the house, your pet will be entertained looking for them. Don’t make it easy for them: put them under cardboard boxes or inside an old sock. You will have a blast and stay entertained!

You already know what food or treats your dog likes best, so give him a well-deserved treat for spending so many hours at home.

Have another pet

If you think that your situation is going to be indefinite and that your dog spends a lot of time alone at home, perhaps you should consider having a new pet. It could be another dog, a cat, a rabbit, or a hamster. One that could get along with your dog. Think about which one might be appropriate and let them get to know each other. They are sure to become good friends and will help you relax while you’re away.

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