Vomiting And Diarrhea In Dogs: More Dangerous Than They Seem

Vomiting and diarrhea in dogs: more dangerous than they seem

Vomiting and diarrhea are very common in dogs, so we do not usually give them much importance. However, on occasions, these can be a sign that something more serious is happening, so we must not detract from them and be alert to any sign, no matter how small, from our dog.

To know the dangers that vomiting and diarrhea contain or can contain, we are going to dedicate this article to it. Do not lose detail and take good note to protect the health of your pet.

Vomiting and diarrhea can kill your dog

sick dog

According to veterinarians, an untreated gastroenteritis could be the cause, and in fact it is the cause of the death of many dogs. We tend to think that when a dog vomits he has eaten something that has made him sick and we do not usually give it the importance that it is very likely to have.

One of the main causes according to veterinarians is intolerance to certain foods. So even if the animal stops vomiting, if after a few days the vomiting and diarrhea reoccur, they may be hiding a food intolerance that could cost your pet his life.

Main causes of vomiting and diarrhea in dogs

There are several reasons that can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. We must be careful that these do not last more than one or two days, because if so, they may be denoting more serious issues that will later be more difficult to deal with, such as the following:

  • Infections. These can be caused by various diseases such as hepatitis, parvovirus, leptospirosis or distemper. Any of them can cause damage to the digestive system of your pet causing annoying vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Parasites. Due to some ingested food or spoiled water, your dog could have parasites in his stomach that cause him to vomit and have diarrhea. These parasites do not have to be a problem if they are treated in time, but an excessive delay could even cause the death of your dog.
  • Intoxication. It is likely that without seeing it your dog has eaten or drank something that he should not have and has become intoxicated. This would be one of the reasons why you urgently take your friend to the vet, as having drunk a cleaning product can cost him his life. Therefore, when in doubt, go to the specialist as soon as you see your dog vomit.
  • Low temperatures. With them also come the lowering of defenses, so the animal is much more prone to contracting viruses that cause gastroenteritis. Keep your dog warm in winter and in a hot place.
  • Ingesting objects. If your animal has eaten plastics or any other object that its body cannot assimilate, the most normal thing is for it to be expelled through vomiting or diarrhea.

How to avoid vomiting and diarrhea in dogs

It will largely depend on us that our dog is healthy and does not suffer from gastroenteritis that will cause vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, follow these basic and simple tips that will allow you to help your pet be healthy:

food changes

  • Balance diet. Dogs need nutrients that the food prepared for them can provide. However, sometimes we give him the leftovers of our food, either because we think he likes it better or to save us the money to buy specialized pet food. This is a mistake, since this type of food does not help the proper functioning of your digestive system.
  • Exercise. Being healthy as a result of exercising is an excellent prevention so that your animal does not have gastroenteritis.
  • Vaccination. Keep your pet’s vaccination record up to date so that his immune system is prepared for everything.
  • Keep an eye on their toys. If you see that he is very determined to chew on one of his toys that is made of toxic components, change it. The most normal thing will be that in the end you end up ingesting parts of it and this causes you discomfort.

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